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the smallest days… {mothering moments}

she folds them tenderly, tiny as they are, in half and half again. Taking longer to fold these wee items than the time it took to wear them.

she holds a tiny diaper in the palm of her hand. Instinctively cradles a still slightly-rounded belly where he once grew, remembers whispering, he’s here, when he slipped into her arms…

she keeps each tiny garment, some never worn, close to her chest for a moment, then slips them gently like a sleeping babe, into a bag for safekeeping. Wishing she had a safekeeping place for her heart.

she weeps, knowing she will not come this way again, with this little one…

she prays, for memories fading fast as dusk, to stay bright… for time, more time… for another little one to hold.

she stays a moment longer with the pile of clothing no longer needed. Then turns to the present, where more memories are waiting…


Tonight I packed away my son’s newborn and 0-3 month clothing. It hardly seems possible. It hurts my heart, this mothering moment when I realize the smallest days are behind us. But I have the hope of bigger days ahead.

Trisha W.

Friday 5th of October 2012

This is so true and makes me cry. My current baby just turned two on Sunday.

Trisha W.

Friday 5th of October 2012

This is so true and makes me cry. My current baby just turned two on Sunday.


Friday 5th of October 2012

My little girl turned 6 months old today so this made me boo hoo big time. They grow so so fast and it's wonderful and amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.


Friday 5th of October 2012

My little girl turned 6 months old today so this made me boo hoo big time. They grow so so fast and it's wonderful and amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.

T Rex Mom

Thursday 4th of October 2012

Beautifully capture.

Boys grow so much faster than girls. I felt with my son he grew out of his clothes so much faster than my daughter did. But it also means you're doing a great job feeding him and helping him to mature and grow.
