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5 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Child’s Dental Health! #SweetSmart

Recently, I got to sit in on a Q&A session with Fern Ingber, Founding President and CEO of America’s ToothFairy and Dr. Kaneta Lott, pediatric dentist.

I already knew dental health has an effect on the whole body. But I didn’t realize I’ve made a few mistakes with our family’s dental health!

Oral disease has become the #1 chronic childhood disease. Dental disease can lead to serious illnesses and affects a child’s overall well-being. Are you making these mistakes with your children’s dental health?

Mistake #1 – Thinking children don’t need a dentist until they are much older. (I did this!)
TRUTH: Children should have a dental “home” by 12 months.

Mistake #2 – Not insisting children brush when they “go on strike.”
TRUTH: Who’s the mama? Make your children brush their teeth, even if it’s just with water – better than nothing.

Mistake #3 – Thinking cleaning baby’s pacifier by popping it in your mouth is okay.
TRUTH: No! Don’t do this! If you have any kind of bacteria or peridontal disease, you’ll transfer that right to your baby!

Mistake #4 – Letting children brush their own teeth once they can hold a toothbrush. (Did this too!)
TRUTH: Parents should brush their children’s teeth for them until about age 8, to ensure the teeth are truly clean, and to demonstrate proper brushing behavior.

Mistake #5 – Giving sticky snacks like raisins, because it’s “nature’s candy.”
TRUTH: Raisins and other sticky snacks adhere to the teeth, meaning those sugars are just sitting on the child’s teeth! It’s better to give a treat that melts easily from the teeth. Even dark chocolate, because it has tannins that make teeth stronger!

My big mistake is I still haven’t taken my son to the dentist. [Puts on “World’s Worst Mom” hat]. Now, I am actively seeking a local pediatric dentist for my children and will take my son as soon as I can get an appointment.

I’m not sure why I put it off – I guess it seemed like one of those things I would “get to” but never did. Frankly, this shocks me, as I’ve always loved the dentist, so I’m not sure why I’ve neglected this for so long, and I’m nervously hoping I haven’t done my child a disservice by not going yet! I’ll keep you posted!

In the meantime, our family is taking on a dental challenge for the next month. We’ll be brushing and flossing twice daily – which we pretty much already do, although flossing can sometimes go by the wayside.

I urge each of you NOT to make these dental health mistakes! Instead, make teeth-friendly choices:

  • Get your kids brushing – make a game out of it! Just don’t back down!
  • Find a local dentist for your family.
  • Brush and floss twice daily, and use a post-brushing rinse.
  • Select snacks that are not sticky and sugary.

Trisha W.

Saturday 6th of October 2012

Age 3 is still the suggested age by our doctor/dentist and with seven kids there's no way I'll be brushing until age 8. My kids will just have to hope for the best. =P Oh, and we weren't big pacifier users but there's no way I'd pop one in my mouth to clean it. LOL.

Trisha W.

Saturday 6th of October 2012

Age 3 is still the suggested age by our doctor/dentist and with seven kids there's no way I'll be brushing until age 8. My kids will just have to hope for the best. =P Oh, and we weren't big pacifier users but there's no way I'd pop one in my mouth to clean it. LOL.

Crunchy Beach Mama

Saturday 6th of October 2012

The mistakes make me chuckle. I'm sorry but a dentist before age 3-4 does not sound fun to me. I'm sure my child's teeth will be awful forever because of it. :)

Did you get a new giveaway linky?

Crunchy Beach Mama

Saturday 6th of October 2012

The mistakes make me chuckle. I'm sorry but a dentist before age 3-4 does not sound fun to me. I'm sure my child's teeth will be awful forever because of it. :)

Did you get a new giveaway linky?
