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Skin Cancer Awareness – Tips for Protecting Kids

I know… we all used to just run outside and play in the sun for hours, and getting a sunburn was simply a marker of a good day’s fun. Why can’t we go back to the good old days, right?

But now we know better. We know that yes, a little bit of sun exposure on arms and legs provides some good-for-us Vitamin D. At the same time, doctors recommend babies under six month get no direct sun at any time, (and some doctors extend this into the first few years). Now that’s really hard to do!

Babies are in strollers, in our arms,… it’s hard to keep them inside! Even in the shade, UV rays can have damaging effects over time. Infants have not fully developed their sun protection defenses, so it is so important their delicate skin get the utmost protection!

tips for sun protection

What else is there besides sunscreen?

Applying sunscreen liberally has become the norm. But have you ever seen what’s in most sunscreens on the market? (There are several great natural sunscreens I’ll use, but they are hard to find in stores!). There just aren’t adequate tests on what effect the typical sunscreen has on infant skin.

You’ve heard me write about UVSkinz in the past. I’ve put their sun protective clothing on my children for years because of the great fit (not like shrink wrapping your kids!), and the head to toe coverage (they have shoes!).

UV Skinz products carry a UPF rating of 50+, which blocks over 98% of the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays, without the harsh chemicals that are often present in sunscreens. And, as UVSkinz owner and founder Rhonda Sparks says:  “Anyone with kids knows how difficult it can be to apply a proper coating of sunscreen on children who want to constantly wiggle and squirm. Our UV protective clothing minimizes unprotected areas of the skin, resulting in less hassle when trying to apply that messy and chemically ridden goop!”

Amen to that!

I still apply a natural sunscreen to face, neck, hands, and tops of feet, but do you know how FAST our sun-prep is with UVSkinz clothing? Super fast. In fact, besides the sun protection factor, it’s the convenience of their clothing that keeps me adding UVSkinz items to the kids’ wardrobe! Their expanding line of adult clothing is great too! (Remember this?)

How else can we protect our kids from skin cancer?

With one in five Americans developing skin cancer, we all need to raise awareness and take precautions. Use sun protective clothing when outdoors, mixed with a natural sunscreen on exposed skin.

Limit time in the sun. Bring umbrellas and tents to the beach and picnics so kids (and adults) can get some relief from constant sun exposure.

Stay in the shade. 

Wear a hat.

Avoid peak hours when sun rays are the harshest (this can vary as the year progresses, but is generally known to be 10-2)

UV Skinz specializes in UPF certified 50+ sunwear that is chemical free, breathable and stylish for the entire family. Just one blistering sunburn as a child doubles that child’s risk of developing melanoma.  Let’s pass this information along, and protect our kids from future skin cancer!

protect children from sun exposure

This post is in partnership with UVSkinz and I was compensated for sharing this message. All opinions are my own. 

Natural Ways to Protect Skin from Sun Damage

Wednesday 13th of May 2015

[…] Tips for Protecting Kids from Sun Damage […]

Natural Ways to Protect Skin from Sun Damage

Wednesday 13th of May 2015

[…] Tips for Protecting Kids from Sun Damage […]

Stefani Tolson

Thursday 29th of May 2014

I love the idea of protective clothing, especially for our kids.

Stefani Tolson

Thursday 29th of May 2014

I love the idea of protective clothing, especially for our kids.


Thursday 29th of May 2014

Love UV clothing. It is so fast and easy and don't have to put greasy lotion all over us.
