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Just Right

Last night I was snuggling with my baby (the young one! LOL!).

It was quite late, and we were sitting in the rocker, going back and forth. He likes to take his lion lovey and place his blankie lovey (a cotton sherpa/flannel cloth wipe!) over the lion to put him to sleep. It’s so endearing.

We sat there, side by side in the rocker (which, admittedly is a little squished now that he’s growing big!). I, holding my baby and he holding his lovey. Rocking, rocking, rocking. Contentedly. In the dark. With his night time music playing.

He rearranged the blankie lovey over his lion lovey, looked up at me and said, “Too big!”

“No, honey, you’re just right!” I reassured him.

And we rocked and rocked in the dark, and I thought: “Yes, you are just right.”

No matter how big my son grows, he’s always been just right. Life and love just seem to enlarge themselves to fit him as he grows. Whether in the crook of my arm, or now taking up my whole lap – he’ll always be:

Just Right!

Terri S.

Tuesday 29th of November 2011

THANK YOU! Your post is so beautiful! You touched my heart and my eyes teared. Yes, from the very first moment I held my son and then my daughter several years later, they were never too big or too small but just like you wrote and Goldilocks uttered, they were "just right". My daughter has 2 little beautiful girls of her own now and occasionally she will sit on my lap for a big hug. We both laugh while she sits there and my 2 little granddaughters laugh too. But the 2 of us know it feels "just right". My son is grown and has not sat on my lap for a long time now but his big hugs and my hugs returned to him feel "just right". Our children are our blessings. You are so blessed too. :-)

Terri S.

Tuesday 29th of November 2011

THANK YOU! Your post is so beautiful! You touched my heart and my eyes teared. Yes, from the very first moment I held my son and then my daughter several years later, they were never too big or too small but just like you wrote and Goldilocks uttered, they were "just right". My daughter has 2 little beautiful girls of her own now and occasionally she will sit on my lap for a big hug. We both laugh while she sits there and my 2 little granddaughters laugh too. But the 2 of us know it feels "just right". My son is grown and has not sat on my lap for a long time now but his big hugs and my hugs returned to him feel "just right". Our children are our blessings. You are so blessed too. :-)

Kimberly B.

Tuesday 29th of November 2011

aww that's how I felt with my not so little man recently.

Kimberly B.

Tuesday 29th of November 2011

aww that's how I felt with my not so little man recently.


Tuesday 29th of November 2011

Okay you have me crying over here. My son just turned 2 and had his first hair cut. He is growing up so fast but it still my baby. I savor every moment I have with him. You always have a way with words that make me smile!
