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His joyful noise

It’s more like a shout than singing right now, but we have been thrilled to see our little boy finding his voice.

I think everyone is born with a sense of rhythm and music. Starting with rocking or bouncing along to a song, to chanting La-La-La in place of words, I see our son moving along in his musical understanding.

He blossomed last fall when I realized he could finish the lines of nearly every song I sing to him at night as lullabies. I was floored when I stopped singing partway through “Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” and he sleepily mumbled, “ha’ wonner wha’ ya are!” Now he can sing whole songs with just the first word of each line to prompt him.

He loves his drum set, and I gotta admit, although I sometimes stash it in the closet when I can’t take the noise, the boy’s got some rhythm!

I’ve been hearing him sing lines on his own when he wakes up in the morning, or seated behind us in the car on a long drive. (We’ve learned not to interrupt him or he clams up like he’s embarrassed to be caught singing!).

He’s picking up songs quickly, already learning at least four or five songs from our Saturday music class after just two lessons and a half dozen times through the CD!

Now I know why God tells us to make a joyful noise, because truly, a child’s joyful noise is the most beautiful sound!

What’s your favorite musical memory with your children?

T Rex Mom

Monday 6th of February 2012

He didn't say it had to be a lovely or beautiful joyful noise - just a joyful noise. Our little bean has been doing the same things. Her version of the ABC Song is my favorite - their little voices are just too sweet. I wish I could record it while driving because it always seems to be while we are on the road.

T Rex Mom

Monday 6th of February 2012

He didn't say it had to be a lovely or beautiful joyful noise - just a joyful noise. Our little bean has been doing the same things. Her version of the ABC Song is my favorite - their little voices are just too sweet. I wish I could record it while driving because it always seems to be while we are on the road.


Friday 3rd of February 2012

Awe! My girls love music too...and I know exactly what you mean about "clamming up." When my 20-mo-old is singing, I just pretend like I don't hear her, but inside my heart is leaping...she brings so much joy with her song. BUT if I acknowledge it, she gets bashful! :) My 8-month old LOVES rhythm...she thinks watching Mommy dance is the best. Whenever she hears music, her little chubby hands start clapping...tiny feet a-tapping... :) You are so right about God loving our praises. And how amazing to imagine HIM rejoicing over US!!! (Zeph 3:17)


Friday 3rd of February 2012

Awe! My girls love music too...and I know exactly what you mean about "clamming up." When my 20-mo-old is singing, I just pretend like I don't hear her, but inside my heart is leaping...she brings so much joy with her song. BUT if I acknowledge it, she gets bashful! :) My 8-month old LOVES rhythm...she thinks watching Mommy dance is the best. Whenever she hears music, her little chubby hands start clapping...tiny feet a-tapping... :) You are so right about God loving our praises. And how amazing to imagine HIM rejoicing over US!!! (Zeph 3:17)


Friday 3rd of February 2012

How sweet! I love when our daughter sings, which is every day. She's started making up her own songs were the words are most jibberish but in the middle of the jibber she'll say "love mommy" etc. She's also started praying and she sings them! It's the sweetest thing I've ever heard and I tear up every time. It's mostly jibberish again but will break the jibberish with "thankyou dinner" "thank you tacos" "playtime" and such and end her prayer with a song she knows like ABC. Really makes me appreciate how much the Lord enjoys us singing to him, whether we know the words, it's off key, or seemingly irrevelant as it's the spirit of the singing.
