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Try this Unique Spin to Read-Your-Bible-In-A-Year

If you’ve ever wanted to read your Bible through (whether in one year or not), you should try this unique spin to read your Bible in a Year!

Every year, I try to read my Bible all the way through. Uhhhhh… yeah before you anoint me a saint (I’m not), you should know that sometimes it takes me two years. Sometimes, I’m not even sure what happens, and I read all over the place so I have to just start over in January. It’s kind of my ever-present New Year’s Resolution.

A unique spin on Read-Your-Bible-In-A-Year

Most of the time I start in Genesis and set a course towards Revelation. But you know what happens right around the book of Numbers… the begats, begats, begats. Phew. I think that’s right around this time of year, too. Then I end up having to read double for days when I couldn’t get through the whole passage.

In search of a fresh take on reading my Bible, I googled and found a unique plan: Bible reading by genre (category). Oh the English teacher in me did two skips and clicked my heels together when I saw this chart!

You can download it here by clicking on the PDF for the FIRST reading plan called “52 week Bible Reading Plan”.

To me, the Bible is not just the inspired Word of God, but it’s also the best piece of literature ever written! It has story, poetry, laws, letters… The plot of the Bible is closely, and intricately, wound around the character of Christ our Redeemer.

Rich in vocabulary (I read the King James Version), literary devices, and varied in sentence structure, the Bible can also be a resource for grammatical and writing instruction. (Pick up the book Words of Delight to get in depth treatment of all the literary devices you can find).

Advantages to Read Your Bible Through by Genre

With the Genre Bible reading plan, I read a different book each day, so my reading stays fresh. If one day has a difficult passage from Numbers, the next day might be a more meditative reading in Psalms. Knowing my reading will have variety keeps me focused and motivated to keep going day after day with my reading plan!

At first, it might seem disjointing to dip in and out of SEVEN different books of the Bible in a week. (Personally, I do this all the time with novels, so it doesn’t bother me). But I found I made stronger connections between books of the Bible.

If I read in Genesis about God’s promises to Abraham, and a few days later, I read in the gospels about Abraham, this would make me stop and consider how the two passages were connected. On my regular “straight through” reading plan, this never happened, because I would read Genesis in January, but not gotten to the Gospels until September. By then the ideas and connections would’ve been too far apart for me to take note.

This is the second year I am doing Bible Genre reading (actually, I started halfway through last year). I encourage you to give it a try – it’s something different, and you may enjoy it as much as I do!

More Ideas to help you Read your Bible in a Year

If you struggle to get through your daily reading, or get bogged down trying to understand what you just read, you are not alone! In fact, the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts had the same problem, and he was a very educated man! He asked an apostle (who God just happened to have on stand-by!) for help understanding what he had read.

We have pastors and teachers to guide us as well. And, a friend of mine, Keith Birdsong, will be reading through the Bible this year and expounding on the passages as he goes. You can listen to him read and discuss on his podcast Side By Side here!

Read your Bible Through Helps & Gifts

Do you have a favorite Bible? If you’re looking to set up a Bible study area or gift a friend some Bible study materials, here’s a list of ideas – everything from pretty Bibles to study guides, and note-taking helpers!

KJV Deluxe Gift & Award Bible (King James Bible)KJV Deluxe Gift & Award Bible (King James Bible)KJV, Deluxe Gift BibleKJV, Deluxe Gift BibleHoly Bible: KJV Pocket Edition: TurquoiseHoly Bible: KJV Pocket Edition: TurquoiseA Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year: A Life-Changing Journey Into the Heart of GodA Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year: A Life-Changing Journey Into the Heart of GodMy Bible Study Journal: A Creative Christian Workbook: A Simple Guide To Journaling ScriptureMy Bible Study Journal: A Creative Christian Workbook: A Simple Guide To Journaling ScriptureThe Women's Devotional Guide to Bible: A One-Year Plan for Studying, Praying, and Responding to God's WordThe Women’s Devotional Guide to Bible: A One-Year Plan for Studying, Praying, and Responding to God’s WordiStudy Bible KitiStudy Bible KitHoly Bible Study Sticky NotesHoly Bible Study Sticky NotesZebra WKT7-5C-NTC Line Marker, Thick and Thin, Water-Based Pigment, Mild Liner, 5 ColorsZebra WKT7-5C-NTC Line Marker, Thick and Thin, Water-Based Pigment, Mild Liner, 5 ColorsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal Using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal Using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicsClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common TopicClassical Devo Notes: A Bible Study Journal using the 5 Common Topic


Do you have a regular reading schedule (of any kind of book)? How do you keep your daily devotions fresh?

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Friday 15th of September 2017

Hello, I am really interested in this Bible reading plan. I have tried several others but nothing sticks. When I click to download, the site says there is an error. Can this please link please be updated..

Nicole Normand

Monday 9th of October 2017

Hi, I found the same list (probably) on Pinterest. If you cannot find it there by yourself, this is my link.

Renee Ann

Wednesday 16th of March 2011

I definitely struggle to keep my devotions fresh. I try to use devotional books to keep me on the path to gleaning wonderful things from the Word. But then I fall away and just grab a chapter and start reading. I'll have to check out the genre chart. (I'm an English teacher, too!)

Renee Ann

Wednesday 16th of March 2011

I definitely struggle to keep my devotions fresh. I try to use devotional books to keep me on the path to gleaning wonderful things from the Word. But then I fall away and just grab a chapter and start reading. I'll have to check out the genre chart. (I'm an English teacher, too!)


Tuesday 15th of February 2011

Thank you so much for sharing this! I too have trouble reading the bible form beginning to end all in a row. I love the idea of reading by genre.


Tuesday 15th of February 2011

Thank you so much for sharing this! I too have trouble reading the bible form beginning to end all in a row. I love the idea of reading by genre.

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