hi. i’m the baby. firstborn son. little prince. boy wonder. here i am. my first blog post. mama had that gleam in her eye rummaging through her moleskin notebooks. i know what she was thinking – that it’s never too early to start writing workshop a lá lucy calkins. so i am making a pre-emptive strike (got that word from listening to talk radio in mama’s belly), and writing my own blog post.
the world is pretty good out here… i mean, i was in mama’s belly longer than i’ve been out… but so far, i get just as much attention. and there’s much more room. it was cramped in there at the end. i guess i should update you. one doesn’t turn 7 months old every day! here’s what my life is like these days.
i wake up when i want to… if i’m lucky, my binky is still in the crib. snoodle the dog is too big for me to push out so i play with him for awhile. if i make enough noise, mama comes to get me. if dada gets me, i know mama is really tired. either that or it’s summer again. i liked summer. this thing were dada is gone all day is a bummer.
i get to eat first thing. which is cool because i get to snuggle with mama. then mama plays with me. sometimes she has this big square with sheets she turns while she is talking. i love it. but she doesn’t want me to grab the sheets and put them in my mouth. why not?
if it’s nice out, she takes me to the garden and lets me suck on a basil leaf, or shake the tomato plants. she never lets me water the plants like dada does though. then i have to take a nap. but that’s okay, i get pretty tired in the morning. all that laughing and feet kicking will tucker a boy out.
lunch time is fun. i eat sweet white stuff called yogurt. sometimes mama feeds me icky green stuff called avocado.. she says i used to like it a few weeks ago. but i can’t remember that far back. i make sure i give my most disgusted face. so she will know i do NOT like it anymore!
i like the afternoon. after my 2nd nap, i get to stay up a long time. sometimes we go for a walk or to the store. and dada comes home. i eat again. sometimes twice. then i get to splash in the tub and shriek my head off. i know how to get really loud at bath time.
i have to talk mama out of this bedtime thing. i know she doesn’t go to bed because i hear the stairs squeak after she leaves. i can usually get her to come back once or twice at night by pretending to be hungry. i don’t understand why she doesn’t want to talk much when i do that. i will keep working on this.
so i have some new skills.
- i can sit up, if mama helps me. but usually i pretend to be a board and stiffen up so she can’t sit me down. i get a good laugh out of that.
- and fingers! did you know about those? they move. by themselves. i keep playing with them to see what else they can do.
- i make lots of sounds. raspberries with my lips. i think some sounds mean something. like when i say ‘ma-ma-ma-ma-ma’ mama gets all excited. sometimes i say ‘da-da-da’ and the same thing. i bet those words are important. i am going to keep practicing.
- my favorite new thing is to move across the shiny floor. i grip with my hands and push off with my toes. i tried to put my feet under me, but i kept flipping over (which is an old skill of mine). i bet i can go faster if i could figure this out.
- oh, yesterday, mama got excited about something in my mouth. when she tried to look, i bit her. no offense, mama, but fingers taste good! anyway. i think she said it was a ‘tooth.’ whatever that means. she looked happy. then kind of sad. then happy again. mama has a lot of expressions. i am trying to learn what they all mean.
i still like to be carried a lot. but being on my own is starting to get interesting. i will keep you posted. but right now, it’s time to eat and sleep again!
Crunchy Beach Mama
Monday 27th of September 2010
You are so cute. Wait, it's Asher that is cute!We just added waving - the fingers to palm wave - I get so excited when he does it you can see his proud face :)
T Rex Mom
Monday 27th of September 2010
Very charming. You'll have to print this and save it for Asher.Both our kids have their own blogs that they update regularly. It's fun to see what's going on in their lives from their perspective.Sounds like your little guy and my little girl are on the same learning/development curve!
T Rex Mom
Monday 27th of September 2010
Very charming. You'll have to print this and save it for Asher.Both our kids have their own blogs that they update regularly. It's fun to see what's going on in their lives from their perspective.Sounds like your little guy and my little girl are on the same learning/development curve!