Saturdays & Teacakes is the poignant memoir-in-a-picture-book story of a boy who visits his grandmother every Saturday. In a lyrical style, we see the strong bond between grandchild and grandparent, on a hot Southern Saturday. We see excitement building as the young boy “pedal, pedal, pedals” towards his grandmother’s house. We hear contentment in the sound of a rocking chair on a back porch. We smell satisfaction of hard work in the freshly mown grass. We taste sweetness of love in the delicious teacakes the boy eats one after the other.
One can only wish for such love between all children and their grandparents. With beautiful repetition of phrase, and poetic similes, the book is a shining example of quality children’s literature. A book you can teach from. A book you can learn from. And a book creates nostalgia, a wish for the return of lazy Saturdays spent visiting relatives or helping others… A book you will never forget.
If you’re a teacher, homeschooler, or just want to explore the more literary aspects of this book, check out Cracking Open the Author’s Craft, also by Laminack. This guidebook gives step by step lessons on various crafts of writing such as the simile, repetition, imagery, etc. You can also watch Laminack read his book aloud on the DVD and explain various writing moves he made while crafting this story. I heard Laminack speak at a Teacher’s College Saturday Seminars a few years back; his strong grasp of writing style and precise writing “moves” was inspiring to this writing teacher!
Gorgeous paintings illustrate Saturdays & Teacakes and give a richer glimpse into the boy’s Alabama summer days, the old time gas station, rotary lawnmower, vintage kitchen… a visual feast for the eyes! I also love that Laminack includes at the end of the story, a link to the recipe for the famed teacakes. I have yet to try the recipe, but I will. I will.
Do you have a favorite book that draws strong emotion out of you each time you read? Have you read many auto-biographical / memoir style picture books to your children?
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Tuesday 19th of March 2013
[...] Books That Make Me Cry: Saturdays & Teacakes (I guess I was going to do a whole series but it was too sad! LOL!) [...]
Thursday 4th of November 2010
I almost always choke up a little bit at the end of "Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch." Have you read that one? It's a gem
Crunchy Beach Mama
Tuesday 2nd of November 2010
Will have to check these out at the library! Not sure if I want to read a book that makes me cry though :)