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Featuring Jack Be Natural

I love hearing how small business owners live out life philosophies through their companies! Today I bring you a feature on Jack Be Natural! John and Stacy Shinas started Jack Be Natural about a year and a half ago – here’s my interview about their company!

AYWMD: What inspired you to start a natural online store?
Jack Be Natural: Stacy, my wife and business partner, was interested in CD’ing, but family and friends talked her out of it with our first child. After our second child came along, she was changing our boy’s diaper and noticed gel-like beads all over his private area. After doing research she was horrified at what she learned about absorbency gels and disposable diapers. Her mind was made up, and I quickly got on board. Since there wasn’t a place for us locally to get started with cloth, she learned all she could about CD’ing, started using them and then started Jack Be Natural as a resource for interested parents.

AYWMD: What makes your store stand out from other natural product retailers?
JBN: We always ask ourselves what is the right thing to do, and not what is the right thing to do for our business. So, what may set us apart, … is our emphasis on customer service. We try to handle every situation with the goal to always do what is right.

We’ve been in business for 1-1/2 years and take pride in what we do. I think anyone who gives us a chance to help them navigate natural parenting/living will view us as one of their favorite destinations. There are other stores, online or otherwise, that do a good job and we look at them as co-opetition instead of competition. The market is big enough for all of us to succeed from a business sense. The market of spreading the word for doing what’s best for our health and environment is bigger and under served, so we welcome stores like ours to help spread the word about natural parenting/living and being good stewards.

AYWMD: How do you select the items you carry?
JBN: Just about all the items we carry have been used or are currently used by [our family]. Since our boys are out of cloth diapers, the diaper lines we added since September 2011 [are the] result of listening to customers. We do our research  and give sample products to existing customers for review before we decide to carry a product. Other products, such as probiotics and natural health remedies we use ourselves, so we know first hand they are good products.

AYWMD: What are you most excited about right now that you’re offering/carrying in your store?
JBN: It’s hard to pick a favorite, but we are excited about the amber necklaces, probiotics and Plum Organics snacks we started carrying. [Plum Organics] are great snacks for our little ones and we’re glad to offer them. We get excited about natural and/or organically made products – that’s the type of products we strive to offer while saving everyone money.

AYWMD: What’s the best advice you can give to families just starting to become more natural in their lifestyle?
JBN: Do your research and separate fact/opinion from fiction. A lot of products say they are natural /organic, but when you read the fine print they’re not. Also, there is a lot of debate on whether organic products are better for our health and well-being and there are two sides to the debate. It’s good to ask why [you] choose a natural alternative in any product, research facts and weigh pros and cons. Even though natural and organic is more expensive, we felt the extra money was worth peace of mind when it comes to our and our children’s health. This goes beyond products we carry in store – we try to live as natural and environmentally sound as we can.

**Thanks, John & Stacy @ Jack Be Natural!**

I personally have been checking out the Jack Be Natural selection of herbal remedies for children – a fascinating lineup!

Jack Be Natural offers free shipping on MOST items, and you can earn customer rewards as you shop, with Jack’s Cash! Visit Jack Be Natural online next time you need diapers, detergent, or natural products. And follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

Do you have any questions for Jack Be Natural? What do you like most about what Jack Be Natural carries in store?

Be on the lookout for a review and giveaway of a GroVia trainer from Jack Be Natural – coming soon!
