This is a guest post by Amanda White, author of the site where she shares her story of motherhood and leading her kids to the Lord and how other families can learn to impress God’s Word on their kids’ hearts. Today she shares her favorite faith resources for families with us! Here’s Amanda!
Top 10 lists are my absolute favorite. I have a slew of them on my blog because…well, I guess because I have a lot of words and a Top 3 just doesn’t cut it for me!
Especially when we’re talking about faith resources for families. Here’s the thing, most of us want to be good parents. We want to lead our kids to Jesus. We want to do the right things. It’s just that we’re lacking two things: confidence and tools.
What we lack when it comes to sharing faith with our family
Here’s the good news. God gives us confidence in His Word. He literally lays out a great plan for leading our kids to Jesus. Ready for it?
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9
See how easy that is? It’s just talking, sitting, walking, lying down and getting up. It’s all about surrounding yourself and your home with God’s Word.
Now that you have the confidence, you need some tools. I’m going to dump out my proverbial toolbox and share with you my absolute favorite tools for surrounding and impressing God’s Word and laws on my kids’ hearts!
Here we go…
Top 10 Faith Resources for Families
Yancy’s Roots for the Journey
This beautiful album is full of prayers and affirmations directly from God’s Word. I keep this in the car and blast it on days I can’t think of what to say to my kids–instead I sing over them! I love it so much, I buy them 5 at a time to give away to mom friends. Also, Yancy’s Praise Party CDs are a must for preschoolers.
Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
This simple book has 31 prayers for each day of the month with topics from spiritual growth to finding a future mate to protection from harm. I keep this book with my Bible and read it over and over again. It will expand your prayer vocabulary for your children.
Age-Appropriate Bible
Your child needs a Bible they can understand! Not just a storybook, but an actual Bible they can read on their own.
Seeds Family Worship
The more music you can surround your kids with the better. Especially when it is all Scripture like Seeds Family Worship. No extra words–just God’s Word! I listen to it even without the kids around. I have learned so many verses and have been reminded of so many truths by listening to these albums.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
Before your kids get their own real Bible on their grade-level, some good storybook Bibles are the best way to introduce the great storyline of the Bible. And my favorite is The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones. Make sure to read it front to back like a regular book so your children can see the big story of the Bible.
*Julie popping in here to say YES this is my favorite Bible storybook too! I’ve written a review here!
What’s in the Bible?
Kids need more than just a pocket-ful of sweet Bible stories. The What’s in the Bible? video series will walk you and your kids through the Bible–not just the stories but The Story of the Bible including theology, terminology and hard questions!
Adventures in Odyssey
These high-quality audio dramas are perfect conversation starters for the tweens in your life (that’s 8-12 year olds!). Each one follows a group of kids and families in a small town as they learn how God’s Word plays out in their everyday lives. We listen to these nonstop!
Holy Holidays
This isn’t actually a resource title but more a description. Holidays–specifically Easter and Christmas are already super sparkly to your kids, so make sure the sparkliness points them to Jesus. Check out Truth in the Tinsel for a hands-on Christmas devotional and A Sense of the Resurrection to celebrate Jesus at Easter.
Age-Appropriate Devotionals
Your children can have their own devotional time at a very early age. It won’t look like your quiet time, but it can still happen. Check out these great suggestions for every age group!
And lastly…Church
Yep. Church. Make church a happy priority in your home. Let the pastors, leaders and church family help you lead your kids and impress God’s laws on your kids. They will be a great tool for you and will give you tools to use, too.
I wish I could package these all up in a box for you and deliver them to your doorstep! I hope they wouldn’t overwhelm you. In fact, I hope you don’t have a million tabs open right now and a racing heart because you’re bogged down.
Instead, I hope you pick one or two of these and gently add them to your life.
At every turn, in whatever way works best for your family, point your kids to Jesus. Use music, stories, movies, TV shows, books and then talk about them when you are walking, sitting, standing, laying down and getting up! You can do it!
Amanda White
Amanda likes to think up fun ways to tell her kids about Jesus and likes to share those ideas with others. Most of those ideas are on her blog, and the new ones she’s trying out usually show up on Instagram @oohamanda. Tens of thousands of families have used and enjoyed her family devotional books, Truth in the Tinsel: an Advent Experience for Little Hands and A Sense of the Resurrection: an Easter Experience for Families to celebrate Jesus throughout the year.
Get these devotional and faith resources for families
Please, I encourage you to follow the links in the post above to support these authors who are trying to encourage our families to walk in faith. Learn about these writers and creators and their ministries. Or, if you’re really wanting something quickly, get them on Amazon here:
Roots for the JourneyAdventures in Odyssey: Shadow of a Doubt
Adventures in Odyssey: Bible Eyewitness Collector’s Set
Buck Denver Asks: What’s in the Bible? Volume 1- In the Beginning
Why Easter (What’s in the Bible?)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name
The Power of a Praying® Parent
Seeds of Praise
Seeds of Faith
How Great Is Our God
Princess Stories: Real Bible Stories of God’s Princesses
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing
The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross (Tales That Tell the Truth)
Discover these 2 Devotional Studies for Your Family!
I hope you enjoyed Amanda’s list of amazing faith resources for families. Pick one to encourage your family’s hearts this year! Amanda’s devotionals are absolutely going to deepen your family time around God’s Word. Every time I have taken my kids through her Bible studies at Christmas and Easter, I am also blessed with new thoughts that bring me closer to Jesus and what He did for me.
A Sense of the Resurrection by Amanda White contains 12 hands-on devotional activities for you to help your children experience the events leading up to the Resurrection.
- This journey is one your kids will remember and talk about for years to come! My boys still remember the foot-washing ceremony!
I actually have ANOTHER friend who writes and creates amazing faith-filled resources for parents. Christie Thomas’s Bible Studies for kids and families are worth checking out!
Christie has several family Bible study resources around this concept: that as we spend more time with Jesus, understanding how he could be full of joy even as a homeless preacher who constantly lived in danger, we will grow in the fruit of the Spirit.
Her studies guide you to deepen your understanding of God, sense God more deeply, see the presence of Jesus, and learn how to experience God in the midst of hard times. Visit Christie’s website, Little Shoots, Deep Roots, and check out her amazing family membership site HopeGrown Faith to help you grow your family’s faith!
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