Tons of green tomatoes? Don’t let these beautiful fruits go to waste with these delicious green tomato recipes.
The tomato plants were stubborn this year. They clung to their green skins, and refused to ripen on the vine. As September faded, I realized I would have a total loss if I didn’t just accept that this year’s harvest would be a little… greener than I would like. Green tomatoes, so be it, I thought, as I hastily searched for ways to make these hard green globes palatable.
I discovered there’s more than “fried green tomatoes” on the list! In fact, I discovered over a dozen yummy ways to eat green tomatoes: roasted, grilled, and even ketchuped! Unexpectedly, I found myself growing rather fond of these fall fruits!

17 Green Tomato Recipes for Fall
You’ve heard of potatoes au gratin? Just swap potatoes out for green tomatoes and you’ll have a tasty side dish!
Roasted Tomatillo and Green Tomato Salsa is where it’s at if you’re looking to salvage bulk amounts of green tomatoes!
This fried green tomatoes with poached eggs and avocado is just beautiful! I’d like to see this on my breakfast table!
Beautiful grill marks make this grilled green tomato caprese salad gorgeous! Plus EIGHT more ways with green tomatoes!
Not sure how to have those fried greenies? How about with Siracha Dipping Sauce!
Cut some of the calories with oven-baked green tomatoes:
Or skip the frying altogether with these corn and green tomato cakes!
Here’s a new one for me: Fried Green Tomato Grilled Cheese! Yum!
Try this sandwich idea too: Fried Green Tomato BLTs!
Then there’s these cute little fried green tomato sliders!

How about Green Tomato Ketchup – I bet the kids would love this!
Or, for a great bread to add to any dinner meal, green tomato muffins!
This green tomato soup is pretty – and probably not for the uninitiated!
Pickling a green tomato salad is a quick way to get some of these fruits to the table fast!
Fermenting is all the rage, so can some of those green globes up with this pickled green tomato recipe
Need something sweet? Green Tomato Strawberry Jam is the ticket!
This Green Tomato Crumble Pie is one I’ll be trying!
If you garden at all, you probably grow tomatoes. And if you grow tomatoes, you likely have tons of green tomatoes left by the time the frost hits or your plants die off. You don’t have to let these beautiful fruits to waste in the compost though! Make the most out of your fall harvest with these delicious green tomato recipes for fall.
How do you like to save your green tomatoes!?