As someone who didn’t even know about the existence of Etsy a year ago, I have become one of its biggest fans! Browsing Etsy shops this year gave me the idea to buy or make as many handmade Christmas gifts as possible! I only wish I’d started earlier, as it can take some time to make gifts!
I’d like to share the ideas I’ve gotten for handmade Christmas gifts, in case you’re looking for some unique gift ideas! (This may turn into a series!)
My first handmade item comes from Jenelle at TrashN2Tees. Jenelle makes upcycled clothing and other items completely from reclaimed materials! Her designs are fun and funky, and she works with customers to create awesome customs – like the t-shirt I got for my son. Dad’s a 3rd degree black belt in karate, so I thought I’d have a karate t-shirt designed for my baby! After discussing my ideas and color preferences with Jenelle, she found some asian-inspired fabric and created this shirt:

Also for baby, I got my son a cute new pacifier holder and pair of mitten clips from Paci-Catchers, and I got a girl paci-catcher for a friend’s baby! She has awesome prices, and an amazing selection of ribbons to choose from. And stay tuned, because I heard a rumor that she might be expanding the offerings in her shop!

Another handmade item I bought for someone (shh, can’t tell yet!) for Christmas this year were these cool bandana cloth facial pads from Soft & Scrubby Baby. I also got myself a set! These are super soft and perfect for removing eye make up, applying toner, etc. Just wash in a little baggie and reuse!

So far, that’s the kind of shopping I’ve been doing… I’ll keep you posted as I find more great handmade goods to give and get!

Do you know an Etsy seller / WAHM Crafter that I might enjoy browsing through their shop? Send your recommendations because I’m NOT done shopping!
T Rex Mom
Tuesday 23rd of November 2010
Thank you for the ideas. I love browsing etsy. I get all my leg warmers from Knotty Baby Wear. She has a nice shop on Etsy. And she's wonderful to work with. I'm not sure Asher needs any more leg warmers. I can never seem to have enough, especially of her stuff.