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How much does a flats stash cost?

As I’ve been using and reusing my flats the past three days during the Flats & Handwashing Challenge, I got to wondering how much it would cost to set up a stash like this for full time use. Here’s the breakdown:

TOTAL: $88.30

Wow, I am actually surprised to find it costs this much. Before I did the actual totals, I guesstimated that it would be around $60-ish. But turns out it’s a tad more expensive than I thought. But still not bad for setting up a stash from scratch, right? I’m sure there are ways to find sales on all these items, or even make your own of some of them.

I did NOT add the pocket diaper cover (cover only!) I used at night, or the econobum prefold I used with a flat one night. 1 BumGenius OS Pocket at $17.95 and 1 Econobum prefold at $2.00, would be  a total of: $108.25. But you COULD double up two flats, or a flat and a receiving blanket to get nighttime coverage if needed.

Considering you COULD use this stash daily for at least one baby, I’d say this is a decent price. However, to be honest, I do NOT know how long flats hold up – would be interested if someone could comment!

I also did not add detergent. Rockin’ Green at $.31/load x 365 days, would be ~ $113/year. BUT, taking some of that money and buying MORE flats would allow you to handwash every other night, saving you money and time. Of course, there is really no NEED to handwash unless you’re taking this challenge or you have no other recourse.

Hey, if I had no option other than to spend $2,000 per baby on disposables, I’d do this route for sure (probably would figure out a way to NOT handwash though! LOL!).


Sunday 9th of October 2011

We cloth diaper with prefolds not flats, but I find this interesting. Using ebay, I was able to get three covers for 20 dollars. We wash daily and they are pull so that is usually enough for us, but we do have some back up gerber plastic pullons that were also from ebay for 5 dollars. We spent about 20 dollars on prefolds also used but as far as flats go, you can usually get receiving blankets for 10 cents each at yard sales in my area! I think you could get a reasonable stash going for less than 50 dollars if you were really short on cash! Maybe even less.


Sunday 9th of October 2011

We cloth diaper with prefolds not flats, but I find this interesting. Using ebay, I was able to get three covers for 20 dollars. We wash daily and they are pull so that is usually enough for us, but we do have some back up gerber plastic pullons that were also from ebay for 5 dollars. We spent about 20 dollars on prefolds also used but as far as flats go, you can usually get receiving blankets for 10 cents each at yard sales in my area! I think you could get a reasonable stash going for less than 50 dollars if you were really short on cash! Maybe even less.


Friday 27th of May 2011

I think it is an excellent deal. This reminds me of why I wish more places set up for mothers to be who need some financial assistance would offer cloth diapering workshops. I know cloth is a bit more work, but the savings, especially for someone with little to no disposable income is HUGE!

I know it made a big difference for us, financially!


Friday 27th of May 2011

I think it is an excellent deal. This reminds me of why I wish more places set up for mothers to be who need some financial assistance would offer cloth diapering workshops. I know cloth is a bit more work, but the savings, especially for someone with little to no disposable income is HUGE!

I know it made a big difference for us, financially!

Jeniffer S

Thursday 26th of May 2011

I know my sister-in-law has been using her receiving blankets and flats since 2007 or 2008 without any problems. Her covers are still holding up nicely, too, and she's on the second cloth diapered with mostly flats from birth! (She started cloth diapering with my niece, who PL'd soon after my nephew was born.) Mine (that I've been using for almost 4 months) show no signs of wear at all, but then again it's only been 4 months. :)
