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I love pretend play! ~ Maukilo Review

Isn’t it amazing that children learn just from playing? I am fascinated by this concept. And by toys that encourage pretend and constructive play to help a child develop!

I like unusual toys. Unique fabrics or materials. Colors other than primary. Uses that stretch the imagination. And one that will be played with for the span of several years, and not just be a passing fancy.

Maukilo, owned by HABA is a company that searches the world over for just these type of toys. They focus on heirloom quality construction, and also the quality experience a child will have playing with the toy. I almost couldn’t get this post done because I kept browsing their website!! Tons of awesome toys, all nicely categorized. Their website is very clean-looking and fun to shop.

Recently, Maukilo sent my family our first set of play food! Call it my inner cook that loves to pretend all my food looks this gorgeous:

Pizza tonight, honey? No problem! (ha ha check out how this Biofino Pizza has anchoivies on it! Talk about expanding a child’s palette! 

The Italian part of me loves the Ravioli Tin. And that’s what is remarkable about Biofino play food – unusual foods from different cultures!

For my little boy, our first play food is SO appropriate – the Biofino Grill Set! My husband loves to grill, and I love to eat outside! It’s perfect for our family, and the upcoming summer season!

Included are: 1 steak, 3 grilling sausages, 1 shish kabob, 1 fish. / ARV $12.68

My son knew exactly how to play with this food. The minute I gave it to him, he bit right into the fish head. Then he took a chomp out of the steak. He walked around the rest of play time, cluctching sausages in each baby fist. That’s my boy!


I’m definitely looking forward to stocking my children up with play food and making little chefs out of all of them!

And I’ve also got my eye on these other fun toys carried by Maukilo:

Ready for Camping!

Brats, anyone?

Keep up with Maukilo on Facebook and Twitter!

Do you have a favorite toy or toy brand? Have a fun story about how your kids pretend play? Please share!


Tuesday 31st of May 2011

How cute! We love play food here too...unfortunately my little guy actually tries to consume it. HA HA! He hasn't learned yet. Oh well...he's a boy I guess. Great post and I love all the products you mentioned! They sound so great. :)


Tuesday 31st of May 2011

How cute! We love play food here too...unfortunately my little guy actually tries to consume it. HA HA! He hasn't learned yet. Oh well...he's a boy I guess. Great post and I love all the products you mentioned! They sound so great. :)


Monday 30th of May 2011

I'll have to keep them in mind! Very cute pics btw :) My daughter isn't to pretend play stage yet, but it's fun to watch how she examines new toys. It goes in a ritual - shake to test noise capabilities, to the mouth to explore, more shaking and hitting it against things!


Monday 30th of May 2011

I'll have to keep them in mind! Very cute pics btw :) My daughter isn't to pretend play stage yet, but it's fun to watch how she examines new toys. It goes in a ritual - shake to test noise capabilities, to the mouth to explore, more shaking and hitting it against things!

Alena T

Monday 30th of May 2011

My girls would love to play with that grill while their dad was out cooking
