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Latch On! Cloth Diapers and Breastfeeding

Well… I was wondering what could be said about cloth diapering and breastfeeding, since this IS “Cloth Diaper Friday.”

And then I had the wonderful experience of changing a messy diaper and it hit me. You see, recently, we’ve been letting our son test the waters with “food.” We wanted to breastfeed exclusively until six months, but, he showed so much interest in us eating and our pediatrician recommended we try him with cereal to see how he does (yeah, that claim it helps them sleep through the night – NOT so!). So, we’ve begun our journey into “solids” earlier than expected – what can I say? I’m not a purist. He doesn’t get foods often, just enough to start learning what a spoon is, and that it needs to go IN his mouth! The point is, let’s just say since we’ve given him some cereal for a couple weeks, there has been a “change” when he gets changed.

Breastfeeding and cloth diapering are actually a good partnership, because it means the first six months or so, the “messes” will be more liquidy, easier to clean, and less prone to staining (also less smelly!). Now that we’ve moved away from exclusive breastfeeding (even this small departure), we have a bit more work to do in the cloth diapering department. So, new-to-cloth moms, if you’re still breastfeeding exclusively, I want to give you this heads up that change is on the horizon!

Well…so the diaper sprayer is getting a little extra work out these days. But… the baby is having a grand time spreading cereal all over his face and bib, banging his spoon on the high chair, and clearly once in a while getting some into his stomach!
