Kristin at Babybumz creates handmade products especially with cloth diapers in mind. Based on her need to resolve a terrible diaper rash her son had as the result of serious illness and surgery complication, she knew she needed to find her own solution. Store and prescription creams weren’t working. So after 3 months of research and mixing, she hit upon a successful formula for Original Yabocream. Kristin says Original Yabocream is her favorite product she makes because “it works and it works on everything. Moms have used it on hemorrhoids, tears, c-section incisions, and I have used it on scraped knees, burns and everything else mentioned.” After coming up with Original Yabocream, she went on to create additional products like Bumzolution, a diaper wipe solution, and After Baby, a soothing post-partum spray.Kristin uses local ingredients whenever possible, as well as natural and organic ingredients. Where ingredients are not available organic, she will use the highest quality she can find. There are no chemicals or preservatives in any Babybumz product, and every ingredient serves a purpose, like the essential oils that combat bacteria and are natural preservatives.
The most important thing, says Kristin, is that all her products came about based on a true need. “Knowing that I make products for my kids and for myself is huge, if I wouldn’t use it on my own kids there is no way I would sell it. I test my products on my kids, so you know they are safe, natural & made with the highest quality of ingredients.”

I also tried Babybumz Yabocream: Cloth Friendly, a smooth and soothing cream with none of those wrinkle-your-nose-smells, and specially formulated without the cod-liver oil so it doesn’t harm your cloth diapers. It smells as yummy as any lotion you might get for yourself at a bath/body store, but with all-natural ingredients, like coconut oil, lavender and sweet orange. Delicious!Babybumz also supports a local charity – a relief nursery and learning center that helps teen moms care for their little ones. Babybumz stocks the facility with products to use as well as sends moms home with products for their babies. Kristin says that as a young first time mom herself, she understands that “it isn’t always easy to ask for help from the ones closest to you. I feel I can offer to them the understanding of their situation as well as showing them that it isn’t an easy road but it doesn’t always end up badly. I have 4 kids now, a great husband and my own company.”
If you’d like to see Babybumz products in stores locally, just suggest it to Babybumz, and they’ll send you a special “thank you!” Want to earn a discount code? Write a review of a product on their Facebook page, and you’ll get a discount for a future purchase!
Check out Babybumz Etsy Shop and tell me your favorite item you’d get if you won the gift card!EXTRA ENTRY RULES:
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You can add your extras to ANY giveaway Dec 1-5.
One Year Blog O’Versary Giveaway! | A Year with Mom & Dad
Thursday 17th of March 2011
[...] BabyBumz on Etsy Cloth Friendly Yabo Cream - an all natural and organic diaper cream that has no zinc oxide or cod liver oil, so it’s safe for cloth diapers! (ARV $11). Read my review here. [...]