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On Resurrection Sunday, we…

Awake to the sounds of life, birds singing, sun shining, child laughing… rejoice that He who gave us life, is Risen and still lives!

Enjoy sweet, light French Toast Casserole…thankful for the sweetness and light God grants our family.

Worship at church in song, prayer, service,… hear true worship in the joyful exclamation from my son as he explains his Sunday School paper with a shout of, “The stone was rolled AWAY!” Indeed!

Spend an afternoon with family in springtime sun… remembering the Light of the World who shines brighter than any day star.

Remember His body and blood shed for me… Watch my son and wonder when he will understand the wonder of Resurrection Sunday…

How did you spend your Sunday?


Trisha W.

Monday 9th of April 2012

Thanks for sharing this post, Julie. We started the day with mass and then came home and had an egg hunt... no eggs = no breakfast. ;) Cinnamon rolls, fruit salad, eggs, ham, and juice were on the menu. Later in the day we celebrated my daughter's birthday. It fell on Good Friday this year, so we opted to wait until Easter to celebrate. It was a nice family day and not too many complaints or fights in our house. Thanks be to God.

Trisha W.

Monday 9th of April 2012

Thanks for sharing this post, Julie. We started the day with mass and then came home and had an egg hunt... no eggs = no breakfast. ;) Cinnamon rolls, fruit salad, eggs, ham, and juice were on the menu. Later in the day we celebrated my daughter's birthday. It fell on Good Friday this year, so we opted to wait until Easter to celebrate. It was a nice family day and not too many complaints or fights in our house. Thanks be to God.

Crunchy Beach Mama

Monday 9th of April 2012

The stone was rolled AWAY! Love!

We had a great day as we already chatted about! :)

Crunchy Beach Mama

Monday 9th of April 2012

The stone was rolled AWAY! Love!

We had a great day as we already chatted about! :)

T Rex Mom

Sunday 8th of April 2012

Our day was about family. It was wonderful. We are blessed to have all we do and we gave thanks for all that we enjoy - particularly our loved ones. Your day sounds like it was wonderful.
