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The Great Cloth Diaper Change @ Sloomb

It’s late, and I’m tired, but I need to report out on our fun experience at The Great Cloth Diaper Change today!

This morning, we all piled in the car for the 90 minute trip up to Sloomb | Sustainable Babyish in Framingham, MA, one of the hosts of The Great Cloth Diaper Change event. (Don’t forget, you can still get 10% off your order at with the code YEARWMOMNDAD until April 30!).

The Great Cloth Diaper Change event brought together the North American and International cloth diaper community to show the world how far cloth diapers have come in the past decade! From plain old prefolds to high-tech pockets, AI2s and hybrids, there’s definitely a cloth diaper solution for everyone out there!

There were about 37 families registered in our location! We sat on our 2×3′ squares, eating our lunches, and waited for the official Guiness witnesses! I got to meet one of my blog readers! How fantastic!

Erin sounded the whistle at 12:30, and we all changed our babies into cloth diapers! And a World Record was made (I hope! I haven’t seen the official announcement yet!).

Here’s what I brought for my change (there are water drops everywhere because my son decided to shake his sippy cup while I had these all laid out). I chose to change my baby from a Bum Essentials AI2 into a Tiny Tush pocket diaper, because I wanted something as easy as possible, just in case he got really squirmy or fussy with all the noise and people around. But silly me, I grabbed one that was stuffed for nighttime so our poor kiddo had a huge bum the rest of the afternoon!

After the change, Sloomb held an awesome giveaway drawing! Everyone got a great Sloomb goody bag, and the drawing had tons of prizes like a Boba, Sustainable Babyish Longies, and tons of other fun gear! I won a pretty nifty Mimijumi Very Hungry baby bottle set from Madison Organics… well, we aren’t using bottles now, but this should be awesome when we have our next baby because it’s especially made for breastfeeding babies!

I’m a Guiness Record Maker!

I hope the GDCD is an annual event, because it was a positive way to bring cloth diapering families together, share tips and experiences, and raise awareness of how cloth diapering is fun, easy, and just plain awesome!

Check out a local news video where I talk about the diapers I brought for the event!

Did you go to The Great Cloth Diaper Change event in your area? Tell me where you were and your experience! If you wrote a blog post about it, share it!


Sunday 24th of April 2011

I went to the one in Chattanooga! The crowd was smaller than we hoped (evidently if you don't have at least 25 babies you don't count....BOO!).

We changed Darah the fastest, but she was also the oldest baby there, so I guess we had the most experience! ha!


Sunday 24th of April 2011

I went to the one in Chattanooga! The crowd was smaller than we hoped (evidently if you don't have at least 25 babies you don't count....BOO!).

We changed Darah the fastest, but she was also the oldest baby there, so I guess we had the most experience! ha!


Saturday 23rd of April 2011

I hope they do it next year too... I couldn't go (closest location was about 2 or so hours ago). But next year I'd try to help organize a local site!


Saturday 23rd of April 2011

I hope they do it next year too... I couldn't go (closest location was about 2 or so hours ago). But next year I'd try to help organize a local site!

Sabrina Radke

Saturday 23rd of April 2011

I was about 1.5 hours away from the only location in our state so we couldn't go :( thanks for sharing! :o)
