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You are a story {Day 29}

My boy… (the both of you!)

you are a story poem write31days

you are a story

brilliantly told…

I cannot judge by the cover:

it’s still in the hands of the Artist to complete–

all I know is the title is a good one! You!

Every day I turn a page to find out

what character

you’re in today.

Yours is a story filled with plot twist:

Legos lost and gained,

Some never found again.

Puzzles puzzled

Mountains to climb

And the villains of dark to conquer.

Just when I think I know how the story will go

Plot Twist! I discover your character

grown, developed, and a new chapter begins.

Yours is a story I love to read,

savor each suspenseful moment,

like the time you had my heart in my hands

over meeting a new friend…

or the pivotal moment you–

didn’t need me to rock you to sleep anymore…

moments heart-stopping and bittersweet by turns.

I’ll give this story Five Stars!

I pray one day soon, you’ll meet

the Author…

There are parts unwritten,

pages left to turn,

Will you discover the meaning of life?

What new conflicts will arise?

Will you get the girl? (I hope!)

And will you have a happy ending?

You are a story…

Written by an Unseen Hand,

Read it well, my boy,

It is your own.

***you are a story poem write31days

No particular form to this poem. However, I did make use of the poetic technique of extended metaphor. A typical metaphor is a comparison without using “like” or “as” – “She was a rose among thorns.” But usually the comparison ends there. An extended metaphor compares one thing to another throughout the duration of a piece of work, as I did here, comparing my boys to a book.

It could definitely use polishing but… as you can see, I missed yesterday’s post (writer’s block? exhaustion? one or both!), so I am going to skedaddle and just get this posted for today! Just three more days of my 31 day project! Have you been reading along the whle time, or are you just tuning in? You can see the full list of posts here (click the button!)

Poetry of Parenting Boys


Jen @ Growing in Faith

Wednesday 29th of October 2014

Won't it be fun, as mama, to sit back and watch as their stories unfold through the years? Truly amazing!

Joanne Viola

Wednesday 29th of October 2014

A beautiful poem to celebrate your son. Although I spent much time looking for the tiny, tiny cupcakes which go with a dollhouse my 2 1/2 yr. old granddaughter was playing with :) Amazing how those little toys go AWOL! Glad to have visited today from the 31 Dayers FB site.

Amanda Calitz

Wednesday 29th of October 2014

A great poem! (as always ;-) )

Anita Ojeda

Wednesday 29th of October 2014

What a sweet poem! I love the extended metaphor--and meeting the Author is definitely the best part of any 'book' :).
