It’s the most cookiest time of the year. When November hits, I start thinking about cookies. Baking cookies. Eating cookies. I have been to several cookie swaps over the years, and they are fabulous. Here are five reasons a Cookie Swap helps with holiday preparations:
- Cookie Drive-Thru… Let’s face it, until they make an “ATM” machine that hands out cookies when you swipe your card, a cookie swap will have to do. It’s the fastest way to get your cookie face on during the holidays!
- One for you, and one for me…The best cookie swap I went to, each participant pre-packaged a “set” of 6-12 cookies to give the other swappers. Everyone got the same amount of cookies (rather than some taking a ton of one kind, leaving none for others). The cookies stayed fresh and undamaged. Everyone also brought samples to eat at the swap as well. Yum.
- Variety is the Spice… going to a cookie swap means you’ll walk away with several kinds of cookies. Some cookies you may not have the time or inclination to make yourself. Go home and create a lovely cookie platter for your own holiday hostessing – nobody will know you didn’t slave away all day over a hot cookie.
- Take a Load Off …You’ll make a large batch of one kind of cookie, and then you’ll be done. You won’t have to haul out more ingredients, pans, utensils to create several kinds of cookies. Since you’ll probably do your baking all on one day, you will also just have one cleanup to do!
- Cookie Smiles… You simply cannot be in a room full of friends and cookies and not feel in the spirit of Christmas! (Or Thanksgiving if you’re doing the swap early!). Eating and sharing cookies with your friends is quite simply a marvelous way to spend your time!
My favorite kind of cookie to eat and make at this time of year are the cookie press cookies pictured above! I especially like to color the dough different shades to make trees, wreaths, and more!
Have you ever attended a cookie swap? Did you have certain “rules” that helped it go smoothly? What is your “signature cookie”?
Hello Kendra
Thursday 4th of November 2010
those are great Ideas. I want to bake cookies now... My Favorite cookies are what my siblings and I call Forgotten cookies. There Chocolate chip meringue cookies, that my Mom bakes over night by just preheating the oven the turning it off and Forgetting about the cookies. Im stopping by from the Thirsy for comments blog hop.
Thursday 4th of November 2010
I've heard about these before and I think it sounds like so much fun! I love to bake. The only hazard would be filling my house with cookies...I'd look like Santa by December 25th. ;)Stopping by from the TFCT Blog Hop at Acting Balanced!
Wednesday 3rd of November 2010
I have always wanted to participate in cookie swaps but I do not have like minded friends and family that will enjoy the experience. So....I just do my own baking each year and live vicariously through others I enjoy reading cookie-exchange.com for ideas should the day come that I get to participate in an exchange.Happy Holidays and happy cookie swapping!
T Rex Mom
Wednesday 3rd of November 2010
I've never even heard of a cookie swap - what a great idea. Sounds like a really delicious and cleaver concept.
Christianne @ Little
Wednesday 3rd of November 2010
I'll admit I was hating cookie swaps while I was baking 6 dozen cookies last year, but it was so great to leave with half a dozen of each type of cookie!