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Breastfeeding: I wish I had known…

A short one, but regarding breastfeeding… I wish I would have known:

  1. That it could hurt so much (although maybe I wouldn’t have tried).
  2. That it could hurt so much for SO LONG! (see above)
  3. That lanolin products could create an allergic reaction (yes, I got pins and needles whenever I applied lanolin-based balms).
  4. That it was okay to use a bottle sometimes, to save myself some pain, get some sleep, etc.
  5. That pumping for an entire day to save myself some pain was okay too.
  6. That some people (including MEN) insist on asking me to my face if I am breastfeeding. Please don’t do that. It’s first of all not your business, and second of all, super awkward. If you need to know, have your wife ask me.
  7. That people would then ask  “Are you STILL breastfeeding?” Unless you’re related to me, or a personal girlfriend (or blog friend), why do you really need to know?
  8. That my entire wardrobe would change to accommodate breastfeeding comfort. (I got a few things, but quickly realized nearly NOTHING I owned was suitable for easy nursing).
  9. That there were breastfeeding specialists available to help. (I would have gone to one ASAP instead of waiting until week 8).
  10. That there are awesome nursing clothes out there, (like Bravado, Milk Nursing Wear, Japanese Weekend, and MilkStars… and probably more I don’t know about but would love to try!)

What do you wish you’d known about breastfeeding?


Tuesday 24th of May 2011

Breastfed all 4 of my kids. Last one just over 2 yrs. I love talking to moms about breastfeeding because Ioved it so much so I'd be one of those moms who thinks nothing of asking you if you are. LOL I personally would've added 11. Mastitis hurts more than you could ever imagine. Oh, and maybe 12. Don't get a bunch of new bras a week after your milk comes in. They won't stay that big that long! LOL

~Mimi @ PITM


Tuesday 24th of May 2011

Breastfed all 4 of my kids. Last one just over 2 yrs. I love talking to moms about breastfeeding because Ioved it so much so I'd be one of those moms who thinks nothing of asking you if you are. LOL I personally would've added 11. Mastitis hurts more than you could ever imagine. Oh, and maybe 12. Don't get a bunch of new bras a week after your milk comes in. They won't stay that big that long! LOL

~Mimi @ PITM

Crunchy Beach Mama

Saturday 21st of May 2011

Love this. I was going to ask you how breastfeeding was still going. I need some mama chat about it.

Couple of comments... I actually only hurt for about 7-10. Pain wasn't really my issue for long but everything else! TIME mostly. Took me 4 months til I said ok I can do this.

I had a non-lanolin product I used. Glad I did!

Entire wardrobe change makes me laugh. I STILL live in my nursing tanks. Every single day. :)

Crunchy Beach Mama

Saturday 21st of May 2011

Love this. I was going to ask you how breastfeeding was still going. I need some mama chat about it.

Couple of comments... I actually only hurt for about 7-10. Pain wasn't really my issue for long but everything else! TIME mostly. Took me 4 months til I said ok I can do this.

I had a non-lanolin product I used. Glad I did!

Entire wardrobe change makes me laugh. I STILL live in my nursing tanks. Every single day. :)


Saturday 21st of May 2011

This list needs to be posted every where especially the ones about people asking stuff! People can be so rude! And that is ok to pump! They still get the milk, dad gets to help with the bottles and mom can SLEEP! lol Even as my milk dried up I would pump just a bit if I could, we laughed and said it was like a power shot in a jamba juice, him having a tad of breast milk before a bottle.
