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Rainy Day Ideas for Your Toddler

I long for spring each winter. But I forget that with spring comes fickle weather and rainy days that make you wonder if you’ll never see the sun again. One spring, it actually hailed, and the season started to take on biblical proportions in my mind. Being stuck inside the house with preschoolers and toddlers will do that to you!

Are you stuck inside right now? Well, after several years of having to make the best of it, I’ve collected my favorite ways to make time indoors with toddlers worthwhile. I think you’ll enjoy these rainy day ideas for your toddler!

Rainy Day Ideas for Your Toddler

Chef’s helper

You can actually get your own work done prepping meals with this activity! Have them crush up crackers or stale bread for bread crumbs or pie crusts. Put the bread/crackers in a plastic storage bag and let them bag on it with a plastic or toy hammer. Or if you have a toy or small rolling pin, they can roll on the crackers until they are crushed. Even if you are not baking that day, you can save these in an airtight container for another time.


Save your old cereal boxes. Then, on a dully day, let kids create a cereal box sidewalk path they can walk across in your play area! Or, turn the boxes inside out, and draw windows and doors on them to create a town!

Create a slide!

Show them how to slide objects down a poster board or large folded cardboard box propped up against the couch. Sliding objects into a metal bowl will make a fun noise. Tiny cards are perfect for this, but blocks, stuffed animals, or almost anything will do!

Create a sorting box

Get a small box (cereal, oatmeal, mailing box) and seal the box shut with tape or glue. Then cut a hole in the top/side. Babies can have fun putting small toys in and out.

Foot play!

Enjoy hand/foot play by tracing their hands/feet onto felt or construction paper. Cut out several of the feet/hands and tape them down around the room. Let your child walk around putting their feet down on the footprints, and hands down on the handprints. It’s a little bit like the Twister game, but easy enough for one child to play on their own.


AKA, make a fort! Drape a large tablecloth or sheet over a smaller table or the backs of 4 chairs. Throw some pillows under the covering and your child now has a fun hideout to crawl in and out of all day!

Create a discovery bottle

Fill empty soda bottle with rice or unpopped corn kernels. Add some small toys or items and seal closed (you can cut the bottle open to fit in the toys, the tape shut).

Do cookie sheet drawing.

If you’re daring (give it enough time, you’ll get there!), sprinkle flour or rice onto a cookie sheet. Show your child how to draw letters or shapes, then gently jiggle the sheet to erase. It’s like having your own Etch-a-Sketch…just without the protective cover, so watch out!

Tube stacking.

Save empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls in a large bag. On a rainy day, show your toddler how to stack them into structures. Much quieter than blocks!

Look at photos.

This is a good time to get out family albums and remind your toddler of the great times you’ve had together. Also, this helps them remember names of family they don’t see very often. Of course, these days we have our phones, but I encourage you to pull out some actual photo prints, for a tactile experience. This slows the activity down, and lets your child actually handle their history.

Garbage toss.

I used to call this “Trashket-ball” in my classroom. Take papers destined for the recycling bin and crumble up into balls. Have your toddler practice throwing them into the garbage. It’s a win all the way around!

Got any tried and true rainy day ideas for your toddler? Share them below!

Have you checked out all 101 Toddler Activities?

T Rex Mom

Saturday 13th of August 2011

Great suggestions. We've done the discovery bottles. Those were a hit. And we've done a similar thing to cookie sheet drawing. In a bit deeper tray I'll put flour and let T Rex drive his cars through it like they are in the snow. He likes that. And the kids are always good helpers in the kitchen or during chore time. It takes a bit longer to get stuff done but fewer tears are shed by all of us.

Alright - I think I've caught up on all the postings I've missed. Boy, you've been busy. I hope you are well and life is good.

T Rex Mom

Saturday 13th of August 2011

Great suggestions. We've done the discovery bottles. Those were a hit. And we've done a similar thing to cookie sheet drawing. In a bit deeper tray I'll put flour and let T Rex drive his cars through it like they are in the snow. He likes that. And the kids are always good helpers in the kitchen or during chore time. It takes a bit longer to get stuff done but fewer tears are shed by all of us.

Alright - I think I've caught up on all the postings I've missed. Boy, you've been busy. I hope you are well and life is good.
