When Christmas comes, I’m always looking for some fresh ideas to include in our December homeschool time. Of course, I love using our morning menus to add poetry and artwork to our mornings. But I also want to infuse our writing and other subjects with Christmas themes as well! Several years ago I ran a free LIVE Christmas poetry writing workshop for kids. I’ve saved the materials to share with you!
Christmas Poetry Writing Workshop
What did we do!? Well, sixteen kids (ages 8-12) and myself gathered on Zoom for a LIVE poetry writing workshop on Christmas themes! It was so fun hearing the kids’ ideas and word choices.
We talked about the basic elements of poetry (imagery, emotion, music).
We read a fun poem about hot cocoa and examined it for these poetic elements. The kids loved finding ways the author used the five senses to describe a delicious cup of hot chocolate!
Next, we played with Christmas riddles to see how poets create images in our minds without using the exact words. (So fun!) I even made a few new riddles to share with the kids!
After this time spent on wordplay, we learned what a couplet was, and how to craft these sweet little rhyming lines of poetry.
Finally, after all those tidbits of learning, the kids selected a favorite Christmas object and wrote their own couplets. In fact, some students decided to use other poetic forms, which was perfectly fine! Couplets are just one way to make writing poetic.
We shared our writing and had a jolly good time!

Sign up to get the Christmas Poetry Writing Workshop for your kids!
Get your kids in the writing spirit this Christmas!
Are you feeling a little sad you missed the workshop? There were several parents who wanted to sign up but the time just wasn’t right.
That’s okay! Because now you can add a fun poetry writing segment to your Christmas school time with my FREE video lesson plus download the printable Christmas word bank and Christmas-themed writing worksheets!
Just sign up for my emails below. Then you’ll receive an email that shares the video link, and includes the Christmas printables! Plus, you’ll be added to my mailing list so you won’t miss out on any other fun workshops, classes, and printables I offer in the future!
After signing up, your browser will redirect OR open up a new window. This will bring you to the page where the video and worksheets are stored. If there is a password required, check your email for the password! (You might have to check spam!).
I hope you enjoy this Christmas poetry writing workshop with your family.
Have yourself a merry little (writing) Christmas!
Shop for Christmas Poetry and Writing Supplies!
These are some promising collections of vintage Christmas poems for the whole family. Plus a few journals and notebooks in the Christmas Spirit!
As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Christmas Poems for KidsThe George MacDonald Christmas Collection: An All-New Assortment of Festive Tales and Poems
Favorite Christmas Poems
A Vintage Christmas: A Collection of Classic Stories and Poems
Favorite Poems for Christmas: A Child’s Collection
Christmas Cats Handwriting Practice Notebook: 120 Blank Lined Pages, Primary Ruled
Jekkis 24 Pack Mini Notebooks
Christmas Spirit Loading: Christmas Notebook Journal with Blank Lined Pages
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Hyunhee Lee
Monday 5th of December 2022
Hi how can I sign up for poetry workshop?
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