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Wool Cloth Diapering in the Summer?

It’s been a couple months since I gave you my first run-down of wool diapering. I am still enjoying my wool, although I use wool interchangeably with my other diapers. And I’ve had the chance to check out a few more wool products since January.

So this is my mini-event on Wool, Again – 4 posts in 2 days… hope you enjoy it!

In case you missed it, here’s where you can find my previous posts and reviews of wool!

One question a few readers had in January, was how you can diaper with wool during the summer. What I’d like to point out is that wool isn’t meant to be a “hot” material. It’s important to remember one of the stand-out qualities of wool fibers is its breathability.

Since wool “breathes,” air passes through the material, keeping baby from being either too hot or too cold. Notice that menswear often uses wool in their suiting, even during summertime. They just use a lighter weight wool for summer than for winter.

Sure, you’re probably not going to put a pair of thick longies on your child in the summer, just the way you wouldn’t put long pants on anyone in high heat. But finding a good wool cover can allow you to diaper your baby comfortably in summer months or in climates that are hot year-round.

This weekend, I’ll be sharing with you three more wool diapering products and giveaways – stay tuned!

What are your experiences diapering with wool in summer or in heat?

Stephanie S.

Friday 22nd of April 2011

We wear wool year- round! I love making shorties because they are so much faster than longies. I can bang out a pair on a long car ride. I have a BAD yarn addiction that I need to justify somehow :)

Stephanie S.

Friday 22nd of April 2011

We wear wool year- round! I love making shorties because they are so much faster than longies. I can bang out a pair on a long car ride. I have a BAD yarn addiction that I need to justify somehow :)

T Rex Mom

Friday 22nd of April 2011

Well, we have not tried wool on the baby in the summer yet. But we are planning on it this summer. I have several sweaters that I am hoping to upcycle into shorties or covers. My first pair of upcycled shorties was a failure (way too small in the legs) but the bum area was perfect so I am looking to cut the legs off and turn them into a cover.

Wool really is amazing in that it is versatile. Bebe Sister will be sporting one of her wool outfits to the Great Diaper Change tomorrow. I did not know, though, no homemade diapers were allowed. Did you hear that? So, she'll be wearing a BG under her wool pants/skirt.

By the way, wool pants/longies look great under dresses, too. We've been enjoying that.

T Rex Mom

Friday 22nd of April 2011

Well, we have not tried wool on the baby in the summer yet. But we are planning on it this summer. I have several sweaters that I am hoping to upcycle into shorties or covers. My first pair of upcycled shorties was a failure (way too small in the legs) but the bum area was perfect so I am looking to cut the legs off and turn them into a cover.

Wool really is amazing in that it is versatile. Bebe Sister will be sporting one of her wool outfits to the Great Diaper Change tomorrow. I did not know, though, no homemade diapers were allowed. Did you hear that? So, she'll be wearing a BG under her wool pants/skirt.

By the way, wool pants/longies look great under dresses, too. We've been enjoying that.
