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Did you just say DISPOSABLE cloth diapers?

Yes, I know it’s not Friday yet, and I’m talking about cloth diapers – I try to limit myself to Friday’s for CD topics otherwise I’d go on all day, and this isn’t necessarily a CD-only blog! But I have a nice giveaway planned to begin on Friday (hint, hint!), and I wanted to get back to my readers on my experience with Flip Disposable Inserts.

On our recent camping trip, I wanted to continue cloth diapering – but what’s a CD mom to do when you’re in the woods with an outhouse and a pile of dirty inserts? I turned to my stash of Flip Disposable Inserts, of course! We used Flip Disposables 90% of time (chickened out for the 4 hour drive and the overnights, but now that I know how the Flip Disposables work, I am confident enough to try them 100% next time).

And the results are in:

  • They are just as soft and convenient as my cloth inserts
  • No leaks, no mess, no fuss – didn’t even snap down the diaper cover to a smaller size (I have a bit of a chunky-monkey son!)
  • No pile of laundry to do when we arrived home at 10 pm (well, just the covers!)
  • Just a tiny bag of trash – and don’t forget the Flip Disposable Insert biodegrade, unlike regular ‘sposies

All in all, a good experience, and I’m excited to have 3 more packs waiting for the rest of our summer fun trips. One tip – I was so excited about not having laundry, that I used up ALL my diaper covers, so it threw my laundry routine off since I only had covers to wash and not diaper inserts. So next time I am going to hold one diaper cover in reserve so the baby can get back to cloth diapers while I launder the other covers.

Cloth Diaper Friday :: How to pack the diaper bag | A Year with Mom & Dad

Friday 16th of September 2011

[...] inserts or diapers. I know. I know! But if I happen to have some Flip Disposable inserts or a stray disposable diaper, I keep it in the diaper bag. Emergencies happen. And sometimes not [...]

Cloth Diaper Friday :: How to pack the diaper bag | A Year with Mom & Dad

Friday 16th of September 2011

[...] inserts or diapers. I know. I know! But if I happen to have some Flip Disposable inserts or a stray disposable diaper, I keep it in the diaper bag. Emergencies happen. And sometimes not [...]

Cloth Diaper Friday :: Camping and Cloth Diapering! | A Year with Mom & Dad

Friday 29th of July 2011

[...] of the possibility of rain, I took my package of Flip Disposable Inserts. I ended up using those to supplement so I wouldn’t have so many diapers to wash. I used a [...]

Cloth Diaper Friday :: Camping and Cloth Diapering! | A Year with Mom & Dad

Friday 29th of July 2011

[...] of the possibility of rain, I took my package of Flip Disposable Inserts. I ended up using those to supplement so I wouldn’t have so many diapers to wash. I used a [...]

T Rex Mom

Friday 2nd of July 2010

Saw your comment on Liz Has a Life - looking forward to your post on emergency preparedness for babies. I find most "preparedness blogs" often overlook this component. I am curious to see how yours matches up with mine.Oh, and Flip inserts are surprisingly awesome. I have some stashed in the car as an emergency back up in case I forget the diaper bag. I use them with Bummis covers.
