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Light the World For Babies ~ October is Pregnancy / Infant Loss Awareness Month

As I’m writing this post, there are two small, sleeping boys in the rooms above my head. Breathing in and out, in and out… lips softly pursed in sleep. My precious children. They light my world – even on the hardest days.

Honestly, the thought of them NOT being in my life – about makes my heart stop beating. I tell them every day, “Mommy loves you. All the time. Every day. No matter what.”

Some mothers never get to whisper these words to their children. Some do, for only a few hours or days. My heart breaks for these women, some of whom are my dear friends.

October Infant Loss Awareness Month

October is Pregnancy / Infant Loss Awareness Month

In support of families who are learning how to live without their little one, I wanted to share some resources:

October 15 is Remembrance Day – families are invited to light a candle at 7 pm for one hour in a “wave of light” across the world.

Perfect Joy Ministries – bringing healing to grieving women of infertility, miscarraige, stillbirth, and other child loss. I went to school with the founding couple Holly and Kevin Besser. Entirely volunteer staffed, one of the outreaches of PJM is providing “Joy Bundles” to families who have experienced loss. A $10 donation provides two joy bundles to two families, and $25 provides materials for four participants in their local support group. If you’d like to find out more about their programs, or make a donation, please visit Perfect Joy Ministries.

Earth Mama Angel Baby – Visit their baby loss comfort page for products that help postpartum mamas who have lost babies. You’ll find links to helpful tips and websites, as well as gift ideas to comfort and support these moms.

Healing Hearts Baby Loss “a place for women to feel comfortable looking for real, physical comfort, herbal remedies and spiritual nurturing, as well as a space to find resources, honor their grief and express their loss.”

Count the Kicks – The goal of Count the Kicks is to improve the chances of delivering a healthy baby and to reduce stillbirth rates, which occur in one out of every 160 pregnancies nationwide.

Quotes about Loss– beautiful, beautiful words – to heal, comfort, bless.

I hope this post is a blessing and help to you. Each child, no matter how brief their time with us – is special, perfect, and irreplaceable.

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it. ~e.e. cummings

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. ~Revelation 21:4October Infant Loss Awareness Month

Do you have resources, words of comfort or support you can share? Please comment below.

Michelle Brown

Monday 15th of October 2018

Do you have to be a griefing morher of newborn of still birth. I loss a 23 year old son i hurt to, i want him to be remembered.


Monday 7th of October 2013

I have dear friends that benefited from a group called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" when their son was stillborn. their work is amazing, respectful, and such a gift to the families that they touch.


Monday 7th of October 2013

I have dear friends that benefited from a group called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" when their son was stillborn. their work is amazing, respectful, and such a gift to the families that they touch.

Amanda Alvarado

Monday 15th of October 2012

Thank you! I can't say more than that without breaking down completely but it means a lot to see you and other bloggers posting about this. I wish Count the Kicks would have been founded a couple of years earlier and awareness raised sooner than 2009 (when we lost our daughter). She might have been around if I would have been counting her kicks! :-(

Amanda Alvarado

Monday 15th of October 2012

Thank you! I can't say more than that without breaking down completely but it means a lot to see you and other bloggers posting about this. I wish Count the Kicks would have been founded a couple of years earlier and awareness raised sooner than 2009 (when we lost our daughter). She might have been around if I would have been counting her kicks! :-(
