Picnic games are definitely my favorite, so let me share a few of my favorite outdoor games for picnics.
Nobody wants to go to a summer party and just sit around sweating until it’s time to go. As long as you plan to be outside, why not bring the fun! With so many summer parties and picnics going on, it’s a good idea to have a few games or activities for people to play. Picnic games are definitely my favorite, so let me share a few of my favorite outdoor games for picnics.
12 Awesome Outdoor Games for Picnics and Parties

Active games are a hit with younger kids.
Crawl Through Arches, a Ladder Ball game, or playing with a 12 Foot Super Sturdy Parachute keeps a party in motion!
- Crawl Through Arches reminds me of Alice in Wonderland and the croquet scene! Perfect if you’re having a themed party (new movie just came out!).
- Play some music and have kids try to keep time while all holding onto the giant parachute – that gets hilarious pretty quickly!
- Ladder ball is perfect for smaller yards, and it’s easy to set up and have people take turns playing at their leisure.
- And who could resist a big giant 6 foot beach ball? Kids will create their own memorable time and invent games with something this wildly fun!

Racing games keep kids from getting bored outdoors
- Connect It 3-Legged Race Bands makes getting an old-school race up and running in no time!
- Or try Patriotic Potato Sacks for a quick-start competition! These two are great choices for family reunions and backyard picnics!
- The Bucket Game is a twist on the classic game of tag. Strap a bucket to the back of each child’s waist, and have them run around trying to fill each other’s buckets with bean bags!

Giant board games are a unique way to bring people together.
Even inside, a board game is a fun choice for parties. And it’s even more fun outdoors, especially if you do not have space for running around. They are also perfect for when you have guests who can’t be as active.
- Oversized garden dice is a great option for a crowd-sized game of Yatzhee!
- Pull out the sheet-sized Outdoor Snakes & Ladders games and surprise everyone!
- Giant domino pieces add new dimension to this oldie-but-goodie game! It’s a great one for playing with adults and children as teams!

Tabletop and handheld games are a classic choice for picnic table excitement.
- Go with a classic like a real Bingo game with tumbling wooden balls. I remember playing this at my Grandma’s house when I was a kid – the sound of the wooden beads means summer family gatherings to me!
- Or pegboard games – set those out on each party table while people wait to eat!
Classic outdoor games are “classic” for a reason – they are simple, easy to set up and play, easy to learn, and allow a large group of people to have fun together!
And if you want to make your picnic even more special, try these ideas for unique picnic gear!
Shop these outdoor games for picnics!
Get all your picnic game gear here! I hope you enjoy this summer time of fun with these unique outdoor games for your next picnic!
Giant Snakes and Ladders Game 9.8 x 9.8 Foot Life Size Playing MatGiant Wooden Playing Dice Set with Rollzee and Farkle Scoreboard
Snake Eyes Yard Dominoes
Deluxe Wooden Bingo Game Set
3 Packs Wooden Triangle Peg Games
Arch Play Tunnel Crawling Tube
16.4ft Rainbow Parachute for Outdoor Party Games
Giant Inflatable Beach Balls
Ladderball Set
What’s your favorite picnic or outdoor party game to play!?