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Thank you’s, invitations, and 31 more reasons to send snail mail

I still get excited to check the mail every day. I’m holding out hope for something more exciting than another way to save money on cable/windows/electricity, etc. The heydays of snail mail have long passed, but I think we should send more snail mail! Here’s thirty-one times you could send a little snail mail someone’s way!
reasons to send snail mail

Sponsored by Basic Invite. 

31 reasons to send snail mail 

  1. Thank someone for a gift
  2. Say hello to a long-distance friend
  3. Celebrate an anniversary with a party invite
  4. Encourage a friend who’s going through a hard time
  5. Send an old photograph to a friend
  6. Share a funny memory
  7. Invite relatives to your child’s birthday party
  8. Cheer up a homebound friend
  9. Thank your mail carrier / newspaper delivery person, or other service provider
  10. Pass along a helpful article
  11. Mail a favorite recipe card
  12. Invite friends to a reunion
  13. Send a customer a coupon
  14. Remind a sibling you’re thinking of them
  15. Share comfort with those who grieve
  16. Welcome a new baby
  17. Celebrate an adoption
  18. Congratulate a new business owner
  19. Encourage someone in a new job or career
  20. Send warm thoughts to a kid who’s at college (and maybe a $20!)
  21. Say I love you
  22. Wish a retiree the best
  23. Thank a teacher (either your child’s, or a former teacher of yours!)
  24. Welcome a neighbor into their new home
  25. Write a letter to your child to be opened at a later date (postmarks are cool ways to remember when it was written!)
  26. Send confetti to a friend! (heh heh)
  27. Wish someone a happy birthday (I mean, this is obvious but hardly ever happens anymore!)
  28. Thank a veteran
  29. Share your thoughts with a local politician (handwritten gets attention!)
  30. Congratulate a graduate (people graduate at all times of year now!)
  31. Just because.

Honestly, I could write more cards than I do, and I am pushing myself to use up all my stationery this year (so I can get more! Ha). Sending more snail mail will  brighten someone’s day, and share my thoughts in a slower, more tangible way than a text or email.

reasons to send snail mail

Get personalized stationery and invitations with Basic Invite

reasons to send snail mail

If you have thank you’s to send, or party invitations to create, I suggest using Basic Invite! They have everything from picture invitations to custom made invitations and some really great perks.

With Basic Invite, you get the maximum in personalization, because they have almost unlimited colors – over 180 different color options! And, the ability to change each card element to its own color, so you get very detailed customization. Even their envelopes come in forty different colors!

Choose paper in matte, glossy, or even foil cards in flat or raised foil imprints (these are perfect for holiday party invitations!). And with hundreds of designs, you’ll easily find what fits your needs.

reasons to send snail mail

You know what’s super great about Basic Invite? Their address capturing service – yes, now you can send a link out over social media so your friends can submit their addresses securely to your Basic Invite account. Then you can have recipient addresses preprinted on your order, removing the need to fiddle with label printing!

Best of all, you can opt to get custom samples to check out the quality, look, and feel of your invites or cards before you place a large order. Not just random samples, but the actual invitation so you can see exactly what you’re getting! I think that’s an amazing option for everyone from parents to small business owners.

I’ve given you thirty-one reasons to send snail mail, and I’m sure you can think of dozens more. Next time you need to send out some mail, pick Basic Invite! A thank you card or an invitation is a small way to make a mailbox happy!

What reasons would you add to my list!? reasons to send snail mail

Thank you to Basic Invite for sponsoring this post and sending samples. All opinions are my own. 

Trisha W.

Thursday 18th of January 2018

I too enjoy receiving snail mail. Unfortunately, not many people use it these days. My kids send thank you notes for birthday and Christmas gifts through the mail. I enjoy sending pictures of our family from time to time. The one thing we hear the most positive feedback from is our photo Christmas card and accompanying letter. We have each child write a bit about their year and include it in the letter. It's fun to look back on those letters from time to time.
