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Spring Cleaning With Essential Oils Recipes!

I’ve been getting into finding out more about using essential oils in the home…. a key area to use essential oils is in cleaning your house. Essential oils are literally the answer to removing toxic substances from your cleaning routine.

I teamed up with Whole Foods this month to share some of their products, especially around the theme of spring cleaning.

Here’s a few simple ingredients you can get at Whole Foods that will give you most of what you’ll need to mix up your own cleaning solutions! (I’d just add lemons and baking soda!).

Spring Cleaning with Essential Oils Recipes

Multi-purpose Spray Cleaner
Vinegar + Water in a 3 : 1 Ratio – put into a spray bottle
1 tsp lemon juice (optional)
12-18 drops of essential oils (I used peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender)

Scouring Powder
1/2 cup baking soda
5 drops peppermint oil
5 drops lavender oil

Blend with a fork. Use with a damp cloth or sponge.

Toilet Cleaner
1 quart water
25 drops eucalyptus oil (more if you want extra strength)

I’d place this in a squirt bottle so you can squirt it around your toilet bowl.

Gunk remover (you know, sticky residue from labels on jars and such?)
1/4 cup coconut oil
10 drops eucalyptus oil

Brush a layer of coconut oil mixture onto the sticky area. Let sit for a few minutes. Rub off with a towel. *Note, you can also use eucalyptus oil “neat” (by itself) to remove residue but combining with the coconut oil will give you extra gunk-off power, I think!

Clean with Essential Oils recipes have added benefits!

Using these basic cleaner recipes with ingredients from Whole Foods will help you avoid using harsh chemicals to clean your home. Added bonus: the house smells fantastic!

Whole Foods also sent me a few other interesting products: African Black Soap – which I researched and found out is great for washing your face. It helps with scars, acne, skin irritations, and more. I’ve used it for a few days, and my skin feels great. Going to have to see how it improves my skin over the long term!

Organic honey and raw honey. Okay no, you don’t want to clean your house with these, but they were just some bonuses Whole Foods dropped into my box this month! I love honey, and lately I’ve used it for my persistent cough and sore throat. And to sweeten my coffee from time to time.

So… there you have it. Four great recipes for cleaning your home this spring in a natural (and good-smelling!) way!

Which recipe are you going to try first? Have a natural cleanser recipe to share!? Comment below!

Thanks to Whole Foods for sending products. All opinions are my own.

3 Tips for a Happy, Healthier Family - Oh So Savvy Mom

Friday 27th of October 2017

[…] be harmful for children. Try switching to natural cleaning solutions or making your own at home. DIY cleaning products are just as productive and cheaper than store-bought […]

3 Ways to use Essential Oils Every Day

Saturday 14th of June 2014

[…] Cleansing: I just used some Thieves oil on a tick bite my little son had. And I often brush my teeth with Spearmint and Peppermint (it’s a bracing mix, but very cleansing for the teeth and gums!). And let’s not forget household cleaning with essential oils! […]

3 Ways to use Essential Oils Every Day

Saturday 14th of June 2014

[…] Cleansing: I just used some Thieves oil on a tick bite my little son had. And I often brush my teeth with Spearmint and Peppermint (it’s a bracing mix, but very cleansing for the teeth and gums!). And let’s not forget household cleaning with essential oils! […]


Saturday 19th of April 2014

Do you use essential oils for medicinal purposes as well? Would love to hear your thoughts on that!

Let me know if you've written past posts on the topic. :)


Saturday 19th of April 2014

Do you use essential oils for medicinal purposes as well? Would love to hear your thoughts on that!

Let me know if you've written past posts on the topic. :)
