We remember baby’s first smile (with Grandma H.), first laugh, first tooth (this past weekend for my little guy). We document doctor’s appointments, weight, height. Save special baby outfits, that plastic hospital bracelet. Have been saved from potential bankruptcy in photo-development bills by the invention of the digital camera.
We blog. Write diaries. Post Facebook statuses when anything earth shattering happens with our children (like sleeping through the night…um, that one time). Oh yes, and the old standby still works: call friends and relatives to share their ever-changing lives.
Some people create “memory jars” where fun moments get written down and slipped into a big pickle jar to be fished out and enjoyed a second time at a later date. I love the concept.
For me it’s a bit too “random,” so I have a new version… I keep a few index cards (or a post it note) with me, and I jot down important moments (sometimes I don’t realize it was important until later, like when I realized he was splashing water in the pool on his OWN!). I date and then slip these cards into a photo album (see above) when I get the chance. I hope I can build a big collection of “memories” without the overwhelming-ness of the “daily diary” or “baby journal” that only gets depressingly half-way full before abandoned. (It’s also a good use for the tons of photo albums you’ll receive when you have a new baby).
We frame pictures, create photo albums, and now have the wonderful ability to create photo books online! I did the photo book pictured above for my baby in just under 3 hours. This book is a collection of photos of his family holding him in the first few months of his life (sadly, I realized I missed a few people, which underscores the importance of snapping a LOT of photos when anyone comes to visit the baby). He won’t remember these days, but this book will share the hugs, smiles, and love he has received.
Moms are the memory keepers of families.
How do you keep your family’s memories? Comment below with your ideas!
Making Memories With Panstoria Artisan Review & Giveaway | A Year with Mom & Dad
Tuesday 15th of March 2011
[...] them “OLD” baby photos! Goodness! And, after all, mother’s are supposed to be the memory keepers, but it’s not a job I can exactly give myself a gold star for! I made one album but then got [...]
Making Memories With Panstoria Artisan Review & Giveaway | A Year with Mom & Dad
Tuesday 15th of March 2011
[...] them “OLD” baby photos! Goodness! And, after all, mother’s are supposed to be the memory keepers, but it’s not a job I can exactly give myself a gold star for! I made one album but then got [...]
Crunchy Beach Mama
Thursday 30th of September 2010
I have the generic baby books that I sporadically fill in. And I try to scrapbook though I am WAY behind and don't know when I'll get to it again. I am very very bad at writing things down like you do. Good job mama!
Thursday 30th of September 2010
I have yet to make a photo book online, but I intend to! Time has been my primary deterrent to-date. For now, I save memories through blogging and photography. I'm generally not great about writing down "milestones" (1st step, 1st tooth, etc.), but...I am fairly consistent about capturing "the everyday." :) stephanie@metropolitanmama.net