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Wild and Woolly – is it the End?

Well… yes… almost… not quite…
Today marks the end of the Wild and Woolly Cloth Diaper event. The last giveaway posts today, and all the giveaways start to end next weekend…
But wait there’s more!
Yes, that’s right, I have at least TWO more sponsors who wanted to work with me for this event, but the timing was not quite right… so I decided I am going to do a follow up Wool Weekend in April to share with you how wool has been going for us. I’ll be discussing how wool works in warmer weather (can you believe it will ever be warm again!?). And I’ll have at least two great giveaways:
One last thing about wool – in my research for this event, I came across another blogger – The Cheap and Choosy – who did a wool cloth diaper week back in the fall. She wrote this amazing post about wool. Well, not about wool exactly. Instead of asking Why Wool? She asked, Why Sheep? and she expounded on the deeper significance of sheep from a spiritual perspective. You know, we put wool on our babies to protect them and keep them dry – and God put wool on sheep for similar reasons… if He would do that for sheep… how much more does He care for you and I? Listen to her thoughts on the subject. I thought it was a fantastic read, and I invite you all to have a read, and leave her some comment love for me if you do! 🙂

Wow, I cannot thank you, my fans, for making this week terrific. You have come out in full force to read my informational posts. I have loved all the comments left on these posts, and the back and forth email conversations I’ve had with some of you about your wool questions! So many of you said that you’ve learned a lot about wool from this event, and that just blessed my little heart, because that was the whole reason I pulled this all together – for YOU!

Also, there has been wild and woolly enthusiasm about the giveaways (well, really, who wouldn’t – aren’t my sponsors amazing?). So many of you have made purchases from our great sponsors – I thank you for supporting them with a purchase and I KNOW you’ll enjoy your products! So a round of applause once again for:

Nifty Nappy
Forty41 on Etsy
Abby’s Lane
Sustainable Babyish
Thanks, Mama
How did you enjoy the Wild and Woolly Event? Are there questions you still have about wool after reading all the posts? I’d love to answer them for you in April’s Wool Weekend event!
