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Warm Up Your Mornings! Yummy Tummy Oatmeal

The floor is too cold for bare feet just out of the warm cocoon of bedding… socks are our frequent companions.

I am quick to check the thermostat to see if I can nudge the heat up just a few degrees. Just one? Maybe two?

My nose stings from the chill when I poke outside to get the paper or the mail.

It’s “oatmeal weather.”

Hearty, sweet and creamy, oatmeal is a frequent warming start to our mornings.

I used to be a breakfast-skipper before I had kids. Even though I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I think having children has made me eat healthier – because I’m more likely to be concerned that they eat right, and that they see a good example in my eating habits.

For busy families, oatmeal is a quick, easy, and nutritious way to get a hot breakfast. Maple & Brown Sugar is my favorite, but there’s also Apples & Cinnamon.

There’s no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and it’s an excellent source of iron, which is an essential mineral for proper infant growth and development. Plus, use organically grown whole grains, and don’t add refined white or brown sugar – try real maple syrup or honey! It’s a win-win

How do you like to warm up your mornings in chilly autumn weather? 

