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7 Things To Do Differently With Our Second Baby!

It seems such a long time ago we welcomed our first son into the world. I walked around knowing I had no clue! Was the baby supposed to just lay there? (mostly, yes!). Is THAT [smell/sound/face] normal? (probably). Do I really NOT get to sleep again for the rest of my life? (somewhat true!).

Trying to benefit from past experience, I’m thinking of ways I can make Baby 2.0’s arrival smoother for our family! I’ve already gotten a better camera! Here’s a few other things I’ll try:

Rest up – I should have been better rested going into natural childbirth. Although I could hardly be blamed for poor pregnancy sleep! Still. The last two weeks, I am going to try to get extra rest. That means… you might see a little less blogging out of me (well… maybe!).

Tone up – it would’ve helped to do more toning exercises with my arms / legs. It was winter last time, and I wasn’t as active. One thing I remember about natural birthing is how TIRED my arms got from supporting my body as I was laboring! I feel like I haven’t done as much as I wanted to this time either, but at least the summer warmth and sun (and a toddler) has me running around a bit more!

Take a natural birthing class – I took a “prepared childbirth class” last time and MOST of it was about how to bath, diaper, feed, and not shake the baby. About fifteen minutes was spent on “pain management.” It was a colossal waste of money that hubby and I giggled our way through like we were in seventh grade because it really was not applicable to us.

Limit visitors – I exhausted myself seeing SO many people in the hospital. I was SOOOO happy to share our new little one, I did not turn ANYBODY away. Honestly, it’s so FUN to show off a new baby, I will probably not be able to say no this time either!

Create a secondary diaper changing station – With our firstborn, I used the upstairs nursery for changing diapers – I stored everything there, so I had to keep running up and down stairs for nearly every diaper change. This time, I want a downstairs station too, so I can stay in one place and not wear myself out!

Have more meals in the freezer – we ran out WAY too soon! All the meals people bring are so wonderful and kind… but the truth is, three and four weeks later, you’re still pretty tired and making dinner is not tops on your list!

Plan ahead for baby photos / announcements – I didn’t even THINK about this last time. As a result, I got talked into an expensive photography session in the hospital. What was I THINKING? Our son was red and yellow with jaundice. I was in a bathrobe and hadn’t even showered. And we both just looked tired! I already have a plan to work with a local photographer for newborn photos in a better environment than my hospital bed!

What would you / did you do differently from one baby to the next? I love hearing tips and advice on this topic!


Monday 9th of July 2012

I keep thinking about this too! For me I mostly just want to cherish every second with our latest addition. My first pregnancy was twins and the first 3 months are now just a total blur. I'm hoping that won't be the case this time. Also, I read that book "Bringing up Bebe" and am hoping to put into practice the French tradition of "the pause" :) Though implementing that technique may be more out of necessity than anything else with two 1 1/2 year olds running around :)


Monday 9th of July 2012

I keep thinking about this too! For me I mostly just want to cherish every second with our latest addition. My first pregnancy was twins and the first 3 months are now just a total blur. I'm hoping that won't be the case this time. Also, I read that book "Bringing up Bebe" and am hoping to put into practice the French tradition of "the pause" :) Though implementing that technique may be more out of necessity than anything else with two 1 1/2 year olds running around :)


Sunday 8th of July 2012

I wish we had taken a natural childbirth class. I did have a lot of helpful tips from my mom who delivered all of us kids naturally. It is so hard to limit visitors. I really had a hard time with visitors because of nursing issues with both of my kids. I am always uncomfortable having to leave the room for who knows how long to feed the baby while my visitors are sitting waiting to have more time with my newborn. I wasn't comfortable nursing either of my newborns in front of very many people. It was too much pressure for me. I don't know exactly how to change that.

I think one of the big things I did differently with preparing for baby #2 was my meal plans. With my first, I did stock the freezer with some meals. BUT with baby #2 I had 3 months worth of meals in the freezer plus paper plates, plastic ware, disposable foil pans in the pantry. I know that isn't very frugal, but I don't have a dishwasher and this helped so much. The meals lasted for more than 3 months because there were leftovers. It was great!

I also heavily rely on my mom after I had my babies. There is something about just having your mom there to help you out. You can be un-showered, have a messy house, and a melt down and you don't care because it is your mom.

Baby #2 was so much easier for me in many ways. If we ever have another one I don't know what I would change. Maybe take a 3 month vacation from homeschooling and hire a maid and a nanny. :)


Sunday 8th of July 2012

I wish we had taken a natural childbirth class. I did have a lot of helpful tips from my mom who delivered all of us kids naturally. It is so hard to limit visitors. I really had a hard time with visitors because of nursing issues with both of my kids. I am always uncomfortable having to leave the room for who knows how long to feed the baby while my visitors are sitting waiting to have more time with my newborn. I wasn't comfortable nursing either of my newborns in front of very many people. It was too much pressure for me. I don't know exactly how to change that.

I think one of the big things I did differently with preparing for baby #2 was my meal plans. With my first, I did stock the freezer with some meals. BUT with baby #2 I had 3 months worth of meals in the freezer plus paper plates, plastic ware, disposable foil pans in the pantry. I know that isn't very frugal, but I don't have a dishwasher and this helped so much. The meals lasted for more than 3 months because there were leftovers. It was great!

I also heavily rely on my mom after I had my babies. There is something about just having your mom there to help you out. You can be un-showered, have a messy house, and a melt down and you don't care because it is your mom.

Baby #2 was so much easier for me in many ways. If we ever have another one I don't know what I would change. Maybe take a 3 month vacation from homeschooling and hire a maid and a nanny. :)

T Rex Mom

Sunday 8th of July 2012

I definitely want to do cloth diapers at the hospital if we are blessed with a 3.0. Plus, maybe even attempt a natural delivery. And I always say, take more photos. (And you know, I take a lot of photos!)
