A short post on cloth diapers…then the GIVEAWAY!! Now, my giveaway is small, and totally self-sponsored, but I hope you enter and have fun anticipating!
I really am loving using cloth diapers. But I sometimes feel like CD-ing is a little like being on a diet. You know it’s good for you (or, baby), but it’s work…and you see other moms tossing diapers without a backwards glance, like those people who can eat anything they want and not worry about it… and every once in a while you’re tempted to “cheat” a bit!
Like today – I had to be away all day, and it’s been a really long week, and I thought to myself (b/c who else can you think to?) “there’s a lot of disposables left over from before I switched to cloth; I’ll have a “cheat” day and use disposables!” 🙂 So I cheated. I admit it. I used disposables with the excuse of, well, I did pay for them. (Which I still think is a legit excuse!). But I did feel bad about the sack of garbage I generated… and honestly, I noticed how much more they smell than cloth diapers! So, I’ll be glad to get “back on the wagon” of my cloth diaper diet! 🙂 But… the next time I’m tempted to cheat a bit (which might be on our first camping trip with baby at the end of this month!), I plan to be a bit more “cloth diaper conscious” and use the FLIP disposable insert. I haven’t officially tried these out (just one time), so I’m going to direct you to this blog where the author DID try the Flip Disposable Inserts and seemed to have an overall good experience.