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Caprese Chicken Recipe – A Heart Healthy Meal

Ah, February. Heart Month! Not just for lovers!! February is also heart health month! Now, we should be concerned with our heart health every month… and while I think the majority of the recipes on my blog are healthy and good for your heart, here’s one especially for Heart Health Month: Caprese Chicken Recipe – perfect for a family or a romantic date night at home!

Caprese Chicken is lightly seasoned with quality olive oil, herbs, and good-for-you tomatoes. Fresh mozzarella cheese is low salt and fat, and you can modify how much you include to fit your diet needs. (If you’re dairy-free, you could even leave this part off and add some extra crushed garlic and onions to fill out the flavors).
Caprese Chicken Recipe
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Caprese Chicken Recipe

Caprese Chicken RecipeCaprese Chicken Recipe

  • 3 Thin sliced chicken breasts
  • 2 Roma tomatoes
  • 4 Large basil leaves
  • 9 thin slices of fresh mozzarella cheese
  • 1/8 Cup cold pressed olive oil
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a glass baking dish, place your 3 pieces of chicken into bottom of the pan
  3. Cook your chicken for 25 minutes
  4. While your chicken is cooking, cut 2 of your basil leaves into small strips
  5. Place your cut basil leaves into your cold pressed olive oil, let sit for the whole 25 minutes
  6. Now slice your tomatoes to the thickness you like
  7. After your chicken is done baking, drizzle half your basil infused olive oil onto your chicken breasts, straining out your basil
  8. Place your 3 slices of fresh mozzarella onto each chicken breast
  9. Now set 2 tomatoes on top of the fresh mozzarella
  10. Drizzle the rest of your basil infused olive oil on top of your chicken
  11. To finish your bruschetta chicken sprinkle the last 2 cut basil leaves on top of your chicken
  12. Bake for a remaining 15 minutes and enjoy!
Caprese Chicken is really a simple recipe that will please your family and keep your heart happy too!Caprese Chicken Recipe
Food is a primary way we can care for our heart year-round, but there’s other ways too. Exercise, fresh air, quitting unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking are others.
And… being sure to get annual checkups, especially as you age. Ask your primary care doctor what else you can do to support a healthy heart!
Caprese Chicken Recipe

Loving your heart!

Another way to help maintain a healthy heart is to really understand your health insurance plan. You may be entitled to free wellness checkups and other services, depending on your plan. Learn more about health insurance and be sure you have the right plan for your family and health status at United Healthcare!

Sponsored by United Healthcare; I received compensation for sharing this message. All opinions are my own. I am not responsible for fulfilling giveaway prizes. 

A Heart Healthy Easy Dinner Idea – Jennifer Space

Wednesday 1st of April 2020

[…] Caprese Chicken Recipe โ€“ A Heart Healthy Meal – Check out Caprese Chicken Recipe + $100 Whole Foods GC #Giveaway from United HealthCare #WeDareYouToShare happystronghome.c… […]

Deep Web

Saturday 1st of April 2017

I have stuffed chicken breast before, with feta cheese and arugula or something like this. And my Family was indeed impressed ๐Ÿ˜‰ The Caprese combo sounds pretty amazing!

Saturday 1st of April 2017

Iโ€™m always looking for lighter chicken recipes. This looks like a good one to try!

Claudia Davis

Thursday 25th of February 2016

what preventative tests are included in my plan?

Susan Smith

Thursday 25th of February 2016

My question is does my plan cover all prescriptions.
