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Poem in Your Pocket Day Printable Booklet

Yes, I can get pretty geeked out about National Poetry Month. As a middle school teacher, I couldn’t wait for April, not because it meant test-season was over (although that too!), because it meant an entire month of teaching poetry writing to my kids. We always tried to have some kind of Poem in your Pocket Day celebration. I wish I’d had this Poem in your Pocket Day printable booklet of poetry to give out to all my students then!
poem in your pocket day printable booklet

Poem in your Pocket Day

Poem in your Pocket Day was created in 2002 by the mayor of NYC as a way to encourage carrying and sharing poetry with everyone around you! 

I love the simplicity of this endeavor, which has continued for 17 years now! It really is so simple. Grab a poem, stick it in your pocket, and share it with someone on Poem in your Pocket Day!

This year, Poem in your Pocket Day is April 29, 2021.

Ideas for Poem in your Pocket Day

I love the creative ways people have celebrated Poem in your Pocket day. From stapling a paper pocket to a bulletin board and stuffing with slips of poetry, to handing out mini scrolls of poems so everyone has a poem to carry and share, the ideas are fun and hands-on for kids.

Isn’t this lacing activity pocket perfect for little hands! You can read the poem while they work on their lacing skills.

Even though I’m not in the classroom anymore, this is SUCH a fun interactive display I may be tempted to make some year with my children’s outgrown jeans!

Here’s a fun list of activities to do on Poem in your Pocket Day! Challenge your kids to do as many as they can!

Or you could print out these bookmarks! Easy to slip several into a back pocket and share with friends. Then that poem can live inside books pages the rest of the year.

Perhaps the most important idea furthered by Poem in your Pocket Day is in this poem by Amy LV. I agree – We want poetry to become a part of who we are, and of who our kids are!

Free Printable Poem in your Pocket Day Booklet

poem in your pocket day printable booklet
Here’s another idea for carrying around a couple poems on Poem in your Pocket Day: have a little booklet handy in your pocket! Or encourage your kids to share fun poetry with their friends. To help you out, I’ve created this mini booklet of poetry for us all to enjoy! It’s perfect for Poem in your Pocket Day and all year long.

I’ve included six public domain poems filled with humor and imagery, and even left a page for kids to write their own poem to share!

Get your copy of the Poem in your Pocket Foldable Booklet!

Graphic, Poem in your Pocket Day

Fill out this simple form to be directed to your download of this FREE Poem in your Pocket Day Printable booklet!

Then watch this video to see how easy it is to cut and fold it into booklet: 

Great! Now you’re ready to share a poem with whoever you meet on Poem in your Pocket Day! I’d encourage you to carry this booklet around wherever you go. Because you just never know when you may want to share a poem – and make a new friend! 

Share your Poem in your Pocket adventures with me on Instagram! Follow me @JulieKieras and tag me! Also use the #pocketpoem hashtag! 

Happy Poem in your Pocket Day!

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