In our adventures in Learning Art from Great Artists, we studied the pop art style of cartoonist Lichtenstein, and I was inspired to create these Pop Art Valentine’s Cards for my little guys to decorate!
Our study source is a fabulous book: Discovering Great Artists: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters, which shares artist bios, plus walks you through the materials and steps to create a piece of art in each artist’s signature style.
Pop Art Valentine’s Cards

These pop art Valentine’s cards mimic the style of printed comic strip art. Comic strip artwork is created using rows of small dots to color the images. To recreate this effect, you can use special round brushes and tools from the craft store, but… we found two methods that worked well for us at home, since we were working on a small scale and needed tiny dots.
Q-Tip Pop Art Technique
A Q-tip and ink pad work pretty well as long as the ink pad is “juicy” and the Q-tip head doesn’t get fuzzy (roll it between your fingers before daubing). It was a bit challenging for my four year old though. I suppose you could also use paint.

Large Round Marker Tip Pop Art Technique
We switched to large markers with rounded tips. These worked perfectly to create rows of vibrant dots without the constant inking. If kids dot too fast, they will create a teardrop or smudged shape. Show kids how to slowly dot-dot-dot in even rows across the image.

I’d love to try using the eraser end of a pencil for smoother dots. Pop art is such a simple art technique, and fun to use to create Valentine cards. Use this pop art technique with simple coloring sheets for a twist on everyday coloring!
Get your free printable Pop Art Valentine’s Cards!
I’ve made these Valentine Pop Art Cards available to my readers as a free printable! You can right click+copy the images and use them in your own document. Or download the Word Doc with the images already in place for card making.
Enjoy these images (Click to print or right-click to Save As):

Or this printable card template (Word Doc): Valentine Pop Art Cards Printable
Looking for more Valentine’s Day fun!?
For my Classical Conversation friends, I designed this set of Latin Punny Valentines Cards! 6 messages in 4 styles for boys, girls, friends, and teachers! Available in my shop, just click the image below:
- Here’s an older version of my Pop Art Valentine’s Day Cards
- Check out this “Write” Friend Printable Valentine’s Card + Gift idea.
- Coordinate your hymn study with this free “Conversation Hearts for God” activity.
- How about Valentine’s Day DIY Playdough? Have kids make a candy and treat shop with this idea.
- Create a Valentine’s Sensory Bin for little ones.
- Make a Valentine’s Day Layered Dessert with this easy recipe.
What do you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your kids?
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