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Want More Fun Outdoors? 9 Activities to Try!

“Mom, can we eat outside today?” I know summer is here in New England when the kids want to start eating outdoors. What IS it about eating outdoors that is more fun than doing the same exact thing around the kitchen table?

Do you feel this too? That everything should just get flipped inside out and we should live outdoors bohemian-style? Some things just are more fun outdoors! There’s something about a little sand in our sandwich at the beach that makes it (kinda) better than a sandwich at the kitchen table! Or is it just me?

Well… here’s my list of activities you can bring outside to change it up a bit in the summer!

9 Things that are More Fun Outdoors!

1. Watch a movie outdoors!

Drive-in movies were all the rage for the longest time. And there’s still a few spots where you can view a movie from your car in our state. We went last year and had a blast, but the movies do start really late as a result of waiting for sunset. However, with devices that can stream video, and portable projectors and screens, it’s relatively simple to throw down a blanket and load up a movie after dark right in your backyard!

2. Have more fun when you eat! 

My boys ask daily if they can eat outside – breakfast, lunch, dinner. Even though the weather isn’t quite nice enough right now, they are already anticipating the fun of outdoor dining. Where you can let anything fall on the ground with impunity. Outdoor food is just so much fun!

3. Read books.

Kids want to be outdoors playing, and parents want to avoid the summer slide. Do both. Bring the books outdoors on a cart or wagon and have a book blanket party while you watch the clouds!

4. Shop outdoors!

Don’t get locked into the mall circuit. Hit up your local farmers market or craft fair for some great outdoor shopping. You’ll enjoy the fresh air and meet some great new artisan crafters and farmers.

5. Do laundry.

Okay, this one is probably just for the grownups… but why should we get stuck in the basement just because we have household tasks to keep up with? Bring that basket outside and hang up the wet clothing on a line or drying rack. Saves energy, too.

7. Shower the kids.

We LOVE when vacation houses have outdoor showers–our kids think it’s hilarious to shower in the open air. Since we can’t build our own at our house, we sometimes have let them clean up outside in the backyard. The kids will love this – let them suds up in their swimwear and rinse off with the hose or sprinkler before coming in for the night. Or if you’re handy, rig up a shower head behind the house somewhere.

8. Exercise outdoors!

A great outdoor workout beats the smelly gym any day! Find a shady spot to stretch, get off the treadmill and walk on a trail, take an outdoor martial arts or aerobics class. If your kids have been too sedentary, the summer months are the perfect time to break those habits, and set up an active routine.

9. Board games are more fun outdoors

Outdoor games are always fun. But outdoor board games that have been super-sized!? What a unique experience! Play giant Jenga or Yatzhee on the lawn with these yard-sized versions of classic games.

Living in the northeast, we take advantage of every sunny moment we can. After all, everything’s more fun when you take it outside! 

Aside from increased fun, getting outside can have some health benefits: resets circadian rhythms, elevates mood, promotes physical activity, and gives you a little natural Vitamin D!

Stay healthy while have more fun outdoors

Since you’ll be doing all these “more fun” things outdoors, make sure you have a plan for wellness in place. Many people suffer from allergies, especially this time of year and especially outdoors. Be sure to follow these safety tips too:

  • Stock up on sunscreen (non-nano particle!) or sunwear.
  • Keep a large water cooler filled to avoid dehydration.
  • Have a current epi-pen for family members allergic to bees.
  • Refill prescriptions for inhalers or allergy medications.
  • Use phone apps to keep insurance information handy in case of emergencies while outdoors or away from home.

Be Present with Your Boys by Being Outside with Them - The MOB Society

Tuesday 9th of May 2017

[…] 7 Things that are More Fun Outdoors ( […]

Amanda Brown

Tuesday 10th of May 2016

I took the quiz but I don't see where to enter using rafflecopter? Anywho, great article, I LOVE to read outside!!!


Thursday 5th of May 2016

Great outdoor ideas - we just got a table for outside for the first time in awhile again - so fun!
